Side by side, the demons walked through the snow. They left enough space between them that their hot bodies didn't brush, but Mingi noticed Yunho's tail from his peripherals. It curled and uncurled, as if unsure whether or not it could reach out for Mingi.

"Thank you for taking me here. The place is as gorgeous as you promised," Mingi said. Even when still doubtful around Yunho, he appreciated his kindness. Shy, Yunho scratched his cheek with his claw.

"It's worth it. I get to see the undulated joy on your features and get satisfaction through that way myself," he grinned, canines flashing. They looked less scary in this world. Everything looked less scary here since it was so bright. Mingi heard that the human world barely had any horrible dangers other than their fascinating nature. Humans experienced so little danger that they even chose to endanger each other. And not just in play fights like the demons did.

Once more flattered by his response, Mingi looked at his hooves. His were slightly smaller than Yunho's, but he liked the trail they left in the snow. Something to remember the time they had shared exclusively with each other.

For several minutes, they did nothing but walk in comfortable silence. Mingi looked around in the woods, spotting mosses and little bushes buried by the heavy snow. One time, he even saw a brown animal with a bushy tail jump up a tree nearby to burrow somewhere between the wind-protected branches.

In some places, the snow was slippery and wet on hidden stones. Their hooves clanged against those hindrances painfully from time to time, but Mingi found it fun to explore the terrain.

The light breeze that filtered through the forest tugged on Mingi's ears and hair, dusting him with tiny snow crystals. His natural body heat kept him cosily warm.

"Do you want to tell me what disturbed you these past few days? I would love to figure it out together with you. I quite disliked the distance between us." Yunho's approach was careful and diplomatic, as expected. When the anxiety returned to Mingi to hit him tenfold with his self-doubts, he exhaled slowly.

He didn't want Yunho to think lightly of him. Getting laughed at for creating an issue over such a minor aspect in Yunho's private life would shatter Mingi's heart.

The wind rushed in the trees. It created whirls of snow from the ground, leaving sweeping trails of it on the thick white bed.

The clouds assembled in the sky in a dark blanket.

"I didn't originally plan to bother you with that matter. It seems trivial in my eyes."

Yunho peered at Mingi curiously, searching for a hint in his veiled face.

"It can't be trivial if it triggered such tension within you. I won't ridicule you. And I would like to help if you want me to."

How would Yunho be able to help? Mingi couldn't possibly tell him not to sleep with other demons. The idea mocked even his own heart.

Once more, Mingi glanced down at the untouched white world in front of them. When he sighed again, Yunho's tail cautiously found his, curling around Mingi's skin gingerly. Mingi accepted his silent support, letting their tails swing together.

Finally, after a period of drought, his fluttering heart felt whole again.

"The day we were at the library, I wanted to return to your room before bed to bring you that book I found worth reading. I didn't mean to peek, but the door was ajar when I came by and I checked on you, unbeknownst to what you were doing."

A quiet 'oh' dropped from Yunho's lips. No more need to explain.

An awkward second passed as they just walked. Mingi climbed over a large boulder and Yunho followed him.

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