It's A Wonderful Afterlife: Chapter 12- Second Thoughts

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"But? You have got an entire district to yourself and Overlord Pentious abolished territories because so many sinners were taking small pockets within larger Overlord territory." Ammit gave one last deep thrust climaxing as Angel spoke and rolled off Angel laying beside his friend. Resting a hand on the spider's tummy as he spoke. It wasn't an ideal night of pleasure but Ammit was willing to listen as usual.
"It's just...aaarrgghh I don't know. I feel like things have changed and haven't all at once. I may be a friggin Overlord but I'm still someone's puppet or something. Sir AssHat has to be wrapped around his pinkie and even though I have title and power he still treats me like I'm below him." Angel rolled on his side to face Ammit. "Mephisto...d-do you think I'm...weak? Do you think I'm some pawn in a bigger game?"

Mephisto wrapped his strong arms around Angel pulling him into a hug. "No, you're not weak Angie. You're just...broken like a lot of us."
Lord Dust embraced the comfort of his friend and just to have that contact again. Wrapping all his arms around Ammit was so nice he didn't want to leave.

Closing his eyes for a moment in that relaxed state, ever so slightly drifting off into a dream of pitch black.
A voice so familiar was murmuring from the abyss of this dream void.


Who was this voice it was so familiar?

"Anthony HELP!"

It's getting closer now. "Who the fuck is this?!" He asked the dreamscape.


"No? Not t-this is a dream i-it can't be real?" Angel subconsciously felt like he was holding his head and walking in this darkness until he found a mirror seeing himself as he was present. "A mirror? Da fuck is this?!"


Spinning around to the now mirror behind him, Angel sees himself from 20 years ago. Scrawny, scared and good looking, not that he wasn't sex on legs currently but this was him under Valentino's control. Then another eerily familiar voice appeared but the person too came with it out of the mirror almost like liquid.

"Angel cakes, it's been a while doll" the figure was tall, wore a red coat with fur trim on the cuffs and collar. "Val...what the heck is this? You're dead!!" Angel was more confused by this dream.
"That I am, baby, thanks to you. Still to this day find it one hell of a turn on when you kicked me to the curb during bondage. Hottest thing I've ever seen and you were a delight seeing you in charge for once." Valentino cupped his face reminiscing on the last day of his existence.
"I'd still like to know how did a little fucking waste of space like YOU get your hands on a Holy weapon? A whip of all things too."

Angel was not as scared of Val anymore, but the memories and old habits were still there. "You know I've got more friends than you Val. Kinda comes in handy when you're looking for power and an escape plan." He folded his arms snarling his teeth a little at the moth.
"It's it known trivia that spiders EAT moths. I'm amazed I didn't figure that out sooner. That I was the predator and you were the prey...Val."

Valentino scoffed and knowing he was just a figment of Angel's mind was such a nuisance. "Granted the laws of nature apply differently in Hell, doll. However, you want to know why I'm here?"
"Not particularly, no." He dismissed it so quickly and flicked his head to move his hair out of his eyes.
"Too bad I'm here. You know this self-doubt and all is so attractive to you especially as an all-powerful Overlord. Erasing me was the easy part for you and all these years later you're picking up the dog shit of a snake demon. You know what happens when an Overlord comes off as weak or insubordinate?" Valentino laid his hands on Angel's shoulder treating him like how he used to. Making him feel small and insignificant.
"What Val?" Angel shoved the pimp's hands off him trying to keep control of this messed up dream.
"Vultures babe, vultures. They'll hover and start to swarm the place to take you down. Before you know it your little club is done for."

"Get to the point already Val! I'd like to wake up refreshed, not full of riddles!" Stomping his foot, Angel claimed authority in the void once again.
"You're some hot bitch with all this power Angel Cakes, but you're a bomb waiting to go off. Suppressing your Overlord abilities can be catastrophic, you've not used my bestowed gift to you after you killed me in some time." He leans down to Angel's level. "The Art of Persuasion is so helpful on people who won't do what they're told." That devilishly red grin spread across his face and it always gave Angel the shivers.

"Look I ain't YOU! I control MY district MY WAY! Now could you kindly...FUCK OFF!!"
Once Ange screamed that the void was empty again but the peace wasn't lasting long as that mysteriously familiar voice reappeared.


This time a second one was heard, "ANGIE!"
"M-Molly? Mols?" Unlike the first voice, Angel's unbreakable bond with his twin sister was undeniable. He started to head down the hall of mirrors in this blackness. Passing each mirror he saw a version of himself over the years and he kept running the voices getting louder.


Molly's voice echoed through and back again as Angel ran.


"Nissy?!" Angel called out to the voice but it drew silent.

Angel jolted awake in a cold sweat, alone in his master bedroom. He was panting and frantic hearing his big brother's voice again. Let alone being haunted by Val like most nights.
He knew Sir Pentious had it worse with Smiles attached to him but the nightmares were just as bad.
It's why he barely slept anymore and he heard someone in his en-suite.
"Ammit?" He called out the imp's other name in case it was a maid or something. Low and behold it was neither. It was Husker.

"Nah it's me, Angel." He came out drying his hands looking at his nude ex.
Turning away from the cat, he stood up and slipped on a long robe and slippers. "Why ya here Husky? You're my bartender, not my babysitter." Angel started to light up a cigarette in his cigarette holder.
"No, but I still care about you. You moron." Husker grunted knowing that he could not be with Angel since he tried in the early years of his Overlordship. "I saw Ammit come downstairs and he asked me to check on you because you fell asleep. Knowing you it wasn't a good sleep. Am I right or am I right?" He crossed his arms walking over to his ex.

Stubbornly he sat down and didn't like being told off by Husker.
"Yeah... you're right Husky. Haven't had a Valentino dream in a year and no not the fashion line fuck that would have been a delight." Angel lounged on his chaise chair looking both exhausted and hot all at once.
"There was something different this time. Val was warning me that my powers were not being used well."
Husker sat on the bed in front of Angel leaning forward to engage. "Since when do you listen to Val or is anything he said the truth?"

Angel gave a soft giggle and Husker was right. "There was something new in the dream and the whole thing was bizarre. There was a voice, calling me by my real name Husk." He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled. "Well, two voices calling me. One was Molly no questions asked but the other was...Arackniss."

Husker his ears and tail perked as Angel hadn't said his older brother's name in so long.
"I-I think the imposter needs my help Husky but I don't know?"

Husker looked at Angel square in the face "what's your gut telling you, Angel?"
Every fibre of his being was screaming at him to go find the imposter but he knew deep down it's not Nissy. Arackniss was dead long ago and Molly was never found. After killing Pops, seeing his brother dead everything changed. Angel's gut was either telling him to eat food or to help this imposter.

"So what are you going to do Angel?"

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