I watch as his hands pull her into a hug before his lips fall to her head. Her eyes stare right at me before a gorgeous grin slithers its way to her lips. I almost for a second think that she knows how much this hurts me. She snuggles closer into his neck and my heart hurts.

"You look gorgeous, Hadley." He whispers into her ear. She looks a million times better than gorgeous. She looks spectacular, mind-blowing and mine. She looks like she is mine. And that she is. She just doesn't know it yet.

"Too bad I'm not your date." Damn right she isn't. She's mine. And mine only. This bastard just has a death wish. He nudges his way closer into her neck as she soothingly plays with his hair. If I can't do that with her just yet then I can at least stand next to her. Shoving my way in between Sage and Hadley, I make sure to stand extra close to her, just to feel the warmth radiating off of her.

"You smell so nice." That I can agree with. She smells like heaven and I want to drown in her scent.

"Like lavender and roses and just... heaven." He's fucking looking at her like she's his. Like they belong together. I notice his hands moving up and I've had enough. I have watched too much of this shit show and I can't take anymore of it. Pulling her to my side, I cuss underneath my breath before forcing myself to focus on the feeling of her waist against my palm and I'm finally calm.

What-" I know she's going to try to deny it. She's too stubborn. Squeezing her side, I glare at Rapunzel and his stupid blonde hair.

"Your date is there." I flit my head towards Sage, reminding him of his fucking place here.

"Rico-" Once again, I tighten my hold on her, making sure that she doesn't run away from me. I'm not letting her get away. I watch as this bastard walks towards Sage. Good, walk away.

"What is wrong with you?" She asks, clearly annoyed by me. Oh I'm the one with something wrong with them. Is nobody going to talk about Rapunzel?

"Did you see how he hugged you and how he hugged Sage?" I ask, glancing down at her cobalt tinted eyes.

"Because Sage has a boyfriend. And I am single. There is a difference." I feel as though there is more to them than just friends. You don't hug your 'friends' like that.

"You have a date, Hadley." Now I am irritated. Is she just going to ignore the fact that she is with me right now?

"Why do you even care? You do not like me, Luca. You have made that very clear." Why do I even care? Probably because I fucking like her. Maybe because she's the only one who stands up to my bullshit. I don't know, maybe because I'm sick and tired of seeing everybody get a chance with her except for me.

"Will you say something?" She snaps me out of my trance before trying to move away from me. "Let go of-"

"Let's go inside." Trying to calm the situation down and get her to come inside with me, I attempt to get her into the party and hopefully get lost in the sea of people so this blonde bitch can't find us. But yet again, she moves out of my grasp.

"What's wrong with you?" I finally ask. She's being too stubborn, way more stubborn than usual. Wrong question. Wrong fucking question.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so overprotective?" She's immediately defensive and spitting facts. What is wrong with me and why am I acting so protective towards her? Why does she always have to be right? Grabbing her hand, I drag her away from all the prying eyes so we can sort this out on our own. She yanks her wrist out of my hand and I feel a tinge in my heart. She just can't wait to get away from me.

"Stop dragging me to places as if you have a claim over me!" She yells at me and honestly, I prefer this over ignoring any day.

"I don't hate you for fuck sake!" I scream back at her. I honestly have no idea how she gets me so riled up but I can't take it any longer. And as soon as she speaks again, my heart is in my stomach and I feel as though any chance I had with her is now gone. Diminished. Burned to ashes. Gone. completely gone.

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