[33]: 𝙀𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙨𝙚 𝙇𝙖𝙠𝙚

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"Good night, Hunter."

The door was about to shut before Hunter cried out.

"Wait! Uncle!" The boy dashed ahead, Belos opening the door slightly, peering down in curiosity.

"Uncle, what do you think of love?"

"Love?" Belos smiled down, amused. 

"Hunter, love is just an illusion that blocks the real goal. You shouldn't let it block your path to victory. How about you focus on having a plan that gets the Hathaway here, sounds good, right? Rest well, Hunter."

The door was then shut, Hunter staring at it before turning around, looking determined as he ran into his room.

Love? A block? 

Maybe his Uncle was right, after all, it had distracted him from his true goal of getting Georgia into a coven...

He shrugged it off before thinking of a plan.

And hopefully, things wouldn't get too drastic.

Amity walked down the halls of the Owl House, a checklist board in her hands before smiling out the window, seeing Hooty.

"Hooty, what's your status?"

The owl demon crashed his head through the window, Amity glancing at him in surprise.

"The perimeter's secure, nothing's getting past me!"

"Good," Amity smiled. "Clean up that mess."

Hooty responded with a 'ma'am!' before stretching in, sweeping the shard away.

"Willow!" Amity smiles at her friend, the green-haired girl walking into the kitchen with groceries in her hands, her palisman hovering behind her.

"Have you gathered the supplies?"

"Yes!" Willow saluted. "We're ready to attack this on all fronts!"

"Excellent." Amity smiled in determination before a lilac cat began walking towards the girl.

"Awe, Ghost." She smiled. "Did you help too? Who's a good palisman!"

The cat placed a spider down at Amity's feet, the girl scratching under the palisman's chin, a small phoenix flying after.

"Hey, guys!" Georgia appeared, a bag of items in her hands. 

"Georgie!" Amity grinned, Willow smiling as the two hugged their childhood friend.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to pick up a few things that may help, I came as soon as possible!"

The girl placed the bag on the table, Talon messing with Ghost as Clover sat upon Willow's shoulder.

"It's completely fine, everything's going great so far. Now, all we need is–"

"Rain?" Gus interrupted, discs in his hands as he held CDs out to Amity, the lilac-haired witch slightly confused.

"Beach waves?"

"Something called 'Lo-fi beats to study and relax to'?" King waved the disc around. "We've got it all!"

"Eda was rummaging through her basement, and gave us some soothing human noises!" Gus explained, smiling.

"That's great!" Amity's eyes then widened. "Wait. Eda's still here?"

Amity then walked off to the living room, Georgia on her tracks as the lilac-haired witch frowned.

"Eda, you're supposed to be helping Hooty build our defenses!" 

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐢𝐞 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz