A Minor Obstacle...

Start from the beginning

Following behind the Orochi, they noticed how such a massive ship had no escorts, which would have been strange had they not noticed the shield the ship had. The course it set was all to clear as it cut a hole through the ocean towards the Eagle Union's main foothold in the Pacific.

Nagato: Just when is she getting here? It's getting closer and closer

Kawakaze: She should be here soon, but I also found something strange

Nagato: That is?

Kawakaze: I contacted Ironblood, and apparently, Kurfürst has been missing for a while now

Taihou: Missing? What could have caused her too run?

Kawakaze: I'm not sure but...is that her?

She pointed out to a figure in the horizon, clad in purple and short blonde hair under an officer's cap.

Mutsu: Oba-san! Thank goodness you ca-

Her mouth was quickly covered by Takao, who was the first to notice Kurfürst's differences.

Takao: Before you say anything, look at her eyes...something's not right

Just as before, her eyes were purple and black, with black veiny cracks spread across her face. Both Taihou and Nagato seemed disgusted, Kawakaze gripped her sword tightly, sensing the bloodlust she was putting out.

Mutsu: What's happening to her? She's never looked like that in the past

Kawakaze: I'm sensing massive Bloodlust from her, I think it's best if we don't interfere with her...at all

Nagato agreed with her, and ordered the girls to pull back away from the action, all silently watching as Kurfürst moved ever closer to the Orochi.

The massive weapons of the Orochi turned to her, with a small opening in the shield forming so the shots can go through without effort. They fired and large, powerful laser blasts were sent towards Kurfürst.

Her blank face stayed the same, but her eyes narrowed as she raised her left arm in front of her, backhanding the blast away from her. The Sakuran group stood in shock, but it faded as Kurfürst decided to run towards the Orochi, the ship responded by charging another blast and having her deflect it again.

She made it to the shield, and the Orochi simply waited for her to attack it, where it will use her opportunity against her and damage her.

But no one on either side expected her to dig into it.

She pushed her fingers into the shield, straining slightly from the effort. Once she was rooted in far enough, she pulled at the shield and ever so slowly opened it farther and farther.

A woman who looked eerily like Akagi looked over the side of the ship, getting more and more distressed as Kurfürst overpowered her greatest defense.

Orochi: This strength...no wonder I was told to avoid her at all costs

Kurfürst roared out, as she pushed the shield apart and shattered the section she was in.

Orochi:...I'm way past that point now unfortunately

Kurfürst walked forward, staring daggers into Orochi and growling at her. In response, Orochi fires her weapons again, but Kurfürst jumped over the lasers and landed on her deck, where she saw Akagi watching the horizon without a speck of life in her.

She growled even louder, knowing that she is being controlled just like Yamato was.

Orochi:*hiding fear* So...the Großer Kurfürst finally meets a ship larger than her, what will your next move be the-



Kurfürst held her halberd in her right hand, with the bladed part being splashed in blood and now dripping some. Orochi's eyes were wide, as she fell to her knees and stared onwards.

The ship began powering down, as Kurfürst slowly walked up to Orochi and grabbed her head, it already being separated from the rest of the body by her halberd strike.

She turned around, walking to the front of the ship as Orochi's body stayed in its position and Akagi fell unconscious next to her.

Kurfürst: You took the form of my niece...but you will never be her

She held the head in front of her, pointing it out to the sea.

Kurfürst: Open a portal

Orochi:...I ca-

Kurfürst: NOW!!

Orochi silenced herself, and formed a portal in front of the two. Kurfürst lowered her hand and held Amagi's doppelgänger there.

Orochi: Don-


Kurfürst wipes her hand on her armor, and walked through the portal as the Orochi failed, floating atop the water until it's sunk by something else.

The Sakuran group watched the entire thing, from Kurfürst's boarding to the teleportation.


Mutsu: The Ironbloods have a LOT to tell me...to tell ALL OF US!

Welp, sorry about this chapter coming out very late. I had two reasons and those were vacation and then coming down with a sickness, and it wasn't Covid thankfully.

With this out of the way, I ended the final episode with no big fight!...What? You expected something major? Come on this is Kurfürst we're talking about!

Moving on, the great finale approaches, so buckle in and prepare for a wild ride, cause these last chapters are going to up the ante compared to the wholesome family content that's usually found in this book.

Until then!

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