17. Bedroom Secrets

Start from the beginning

When he abruptly looked Mingi into the eyes, the servant startled. Yunho's eyes still had an effect on him, one that he tried desperately not to think about too hard.

"Do you want to escort me to the library later? We could dig through it to find anything about them that makes this chase easier for our troops," Yunho offered with a crooked smile. It carried some pain, but Mingi reciprocated genuinely anyway.

"With pleasure. If we investigate together, we will be faster."

Yunho nodded thankfully and dropped the topic for now. He wouldn't be able to distract himself from it entirely, as he had done with their stable cleaning activity, but Mingi appreciated his effort. For a while, they just sat in comfortable companionship and finished their food. Only when Mingi was also done, Yunho put his hands in his lap to look at him patiently.

"Before we go, how are you, Mingi? I wanted to keep up with you to make sure you got comfortable here, but I got whisked away by duties. Are you still satisfied with this work?"

Surprised why he would ask, Mingi tilted his head. Yunho didn't ask within the boundaries of their ambiguous relationships and the special moments they had shared. He asked in the restricted environment between a lord and a servant.

"I am comfortable. Despite your duties, you look out a lot for me, and I am thankful for that. I wouldn't want to change it anytime soon," Mingi promised solemnly. Yunho nodded along, relief showing on his face.

"I promise you won't come to harm through the recent developments in the kingdom. I know that working here might be exhausting for a while, but I hope you will find your way around it. You need not worry about the issues you hear of here."

And Mingi didn't. Or rather, he wouldn't. If Yunho's horns weren't so damn gorgeous.

If, the little voice in the back of Mingi's mind whispered, you didn't care about him.

"I will look after myself, yes," Mingi smiled. His honesty gave nothing away about the turmoil in his heart, the emotion there that should never have blossomed and that he shouldn't indulge in.

Yunho's tail was warm against Mingi's as it wrapped tighter around him, as if mimicking a hug.

"And how is your piercing healing?"

Now he was back to the familiar tone between them. A smile ghosted over Mingi's lips.

"I have no pain anymore. By now, it should be fully healed."

Yunho whistled proudly.

"Good healing. You know, you can also exchange it once it's healed. If you want to wear any specific design you take a liking to, I can show you how to switch them out."

Mingi slipped his hand under his shirt, thumbing on the jewellery. He liked it for the meaning it held, and because Yunho had gifted it to him. Yet, he wanted to try one of the pretty dangling ones that Yunho wore often one day, too.

With a nod, Mingi adjusted his shirt once more. He wore it open to three-fourths, just barely hiding his navel from view.

"I will. For now, I don't have any others but maybe I will make use of my reward here to get another one someday."

"What type of piercing would you like to wear?" Invested, Yunho crossed his legs. Their tails had begun to swing again, evidence of the energy returning to the prince.

"I like the ones that dangle, like those you wear."

"Do you like the just golden ones more or those with the gemstones?"

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