ابدأ من البداية

"You have anything to say to Remus, Aunt Mia?" Rhea demanded, ignoring Peter and referring to Remus's immature tactics. 

"Yes, definitely." Aunt Mia nodded. "I've made some chocolate cake today, I'm sure you'd love some."

Remus laughed when Rhea's jaw dropped open. "Yes, please." He said, giving Rhea a lopsided grin while James high-fived Remus.

"I'm surprised Padfoot hasn't finished all the cake." Peter admitted. 

"Which begs the question," Luna quipped and everyone turned to her. She flicked her wand at James's eyebrow to give it a yellow colour and then beamed at her work. "That suits you!"

"You were saying?" Lily said, stifling a snort at James's appearance.

"Ah, yes." Luna hummed, looking around them. "Where is Sirius?"

There was an abrupt pause.

James raised his eyebrows, and turned to look at Rhea. "You haven't killed him and hid his corpse somewhere, have you?"

"Of course not." Rhea rolled her eyes. "The last time I saw him was when he screamed like a banshee because he'd run out of his favourite shampoo."

"This is not a joking matter." Aunt Mia said sharply, no doubt worried. "James, go and check your room."

"I think I'd know if my best friend was hiding in my ro—"


He rolled his eyes and stomped up the stairs, grumbling under his breath about stubborn adults. The rest of them exchanged unreadable looks, wondering if this issue at hand was supposed to be worrisome or not.

After five minutes, James came sprinting down to the living room, a note in his hand and a square mirror in the other. His expression was mingled with exasperation and indignance, as though something had offended him. 

"He left a note." James explained hurriedly, and Rhea stiffened, jumping to the worst conclusion. "He—er—it says he's going to muggle London to run some errands."

A ringing silence greeted them as the words left James's lips. 

And then, Aunt Mia exploded.


"That's what it looks like—"


"Well he always did say 'what's life without a little risk'—"

"Godric's sake!" Remus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "James, I'm sure he's carrying the mirror with him. Use it."

"Use—what?" Aunt Mia snapped, distracted. 

"It's a two way mirror." Luna supplied. "They always used it when they had separate detentions. Did you get the inspiration from the Snow White's magic mirror?" She asked James suddenly.

"Er-what?" James stammered.

"You know," Luna said in a misty voice, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall—" 

"James." Lily said hurriedly, looking a little nervous. "Use the mirror."

He nodded and held the mirror in front of him, calling out clearly, "Sirius!"

They waited with bated breath, hoping nothing had gone wrong. For all they knew, he could've run into some Death Eaters on the way, and unfortunately, Sirius wasn't one to back down from a fight.

After a few seconds, James felt the mirror grow warm, and soon, his reflection shifted to show him Sirius's face. 

"Padfoot!" James nearly shouted in relief, holding the mirror close to his face. "Where the bloody hell are you?"

"Can you keep the mirror away?" Sirius's amused voice said. "I can see your nostrils. Not a sight I'd like to see, really."

"Shut up, you mutt!" Peter grumbled, grabbing the mirror and glaring at Sirius. "We were worried sick—what are you doing, Padfoot?"

"Just give me a minute!" Sirius huffed, and they could hear an engine roaring from where Sirius was talking. In fact, it was very noisy on Sirius's side—there was a strong gush of wind, making Sirius's hair look very windswept. "I'm almost home, Wormy, I'll be there in..." He gave a pause, and once again they heard a great roaring of the engine. Sirius's face jerked as he held the mirror in one hand. "Thirty seconds."

Soon, they realized that the sound wasn't only coming from the mirror, but also from their yard. The gnomes in the yard scattered hither and thither, no doubt intimidated by the devilish roar of the engine. 

"That sounds like a motorbike." Luna observed curiously, sharing a smile with Rhea as all of them opened the door and tumbled outside. Aunt Mia looked as though the sky had dropped to the ground, and the boys had incredulous grins on their faces.

"Oh, my." Rhea whispered, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Don't tell me..."

They suddenly flinched when the noise only grew louder, and within seconds, a black and silver motorbike came into view, a side car attached to it as Sirius accelerated it alarmingly towards them. He had tied his hair into a bun, and a few strands blew across his face, framing it. His black leather jacket billowed behind him in the wind, and his biker gloves were pitch black, dotted with metal studs. 

"What the—" Lily choked, half amused, half disapproving. "That's the motorbike model he chose from the magazines I gifted him!"

Sirius skidded to a halt in front of them, the wheels screeching slightly as the engine quietened down at last. He took off his helmet and swung his leg off the side of the bike, running a hand through his windswept hair. 

"Hey, you lot, Aunt Mia." He smirked at their shocked expressions, leaning against his bike with the helmet tucked under his arm. "Meet my new girlfriend."

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