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I'm now here at the warehouse, sitting in a lone chair in the middle of the room while my dad's men are untying the rope in my wrists.

"M-mr. Manoban??!!" Mr. Kim asked in shock.

When I was successfully broke free from the containment, I stood up then went to my dad to stood up by his side while looking at this bastard.

Our men hold him down so that he was kneeling together with this bo gum.

"H-how-" mr. Kim asked us while gazing at me and my dad back and forth.

"Well, news flash dickhead. This 'little rat' that you're calling is my daughter." Dad said with a sweet smile while his one arm was draped over my shoulders.

"B-but you o-only have one daughter." He said with visible horrified face while his hands were trembling.

"What should we do, Lis?" my dad asked me, ignoring mr. Kim.

"Wait, lemme just-" I kicked mr. Kim's face once then landed at punch on bo gum's face that sent them lying om the ground.

"Uhmm. Wow." My dad said in shock.

"Thanks dad. I'm gonna head home now, yeah? I don't want to handle them so, you should."

"Wait, are you commanding me??"

"Yeah. Don't be over dramatic" I said then rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Just be careful" he said with a chuckle before I hugged him before going out.


When my daughter was out of sight, I faced this bastard in front of me.

"Where were we.... Ah! I know now!" I said with action like thinking.

"I-I'm sorry mr. Manoban. I-i didn't know that s-she was your daughter. Please forgive me." mr. Kim said while kneeling and pleading in front of me.

"Tsk tsk. Too bad, you're too late. You should not look down on people and feel superior just because they are not rich like you." I said.

They kept on pleading but I did not listened. I gave them several punches because of madness on what they would do to my daughter.

After several punches, I stopped them stood up.

I called the chief of police to go here with his men.

After several moments, they came. I instructed him to put them all in jail. This bastard Kim's men were not dead. They were just unconscious because they were shot in the spot where they would be unconscious.

I did not killed them because I don't want to be a murderer and that's just a waste of time anyway.

After we cleaned up, we now hit the road to go home. I'm sure they will be all over the news tomorrow including his company's bankruptcy. Haha.


I'm now here at the cabin. I'm now cleaning myself up in the shower when I remembered what happened earlier.



I heard a gunshot. I thought that I would die that moment so I closed my eyes. When I didn't feel anything I opened them then saw that their leader was on the ground, groaning in pain because he was shot at the arm where he was holding the gun.

Those eyes (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now