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I suddenly felt hungry that caused me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes to adjust my eyesight. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 12:00 in the afternoon.

I looked down on the bed and saw a beautiful woman laying her head on my chest while her arms were wrapped around me. She's so beautiful, laying there with nothing but the duvet covering her body. Can my morning be more perfect than this? I'm so blessed being with this woman.

Thinking about what happened last night, or rather earlier, I can't help but to put a smile on my face. We did it for many times and girl, I'll tell you, this woman be wildin'. She can't get enough of anything. For sure when she wake up, she'll feel sore. But other than that, I'm so happy that she's now my girlfriend.

I was pulled out from my reverie when a phone ding-ed. I picked it up from the beside table without looking. When I opened the screen, I realized that it's not my phone and I can't help but to read the notification. There was a message from an unknown number.

>Unknown Number
Goodmorning, Beautiful! This is Bo Gum. Thank you for giving me your number!

I blinked two times. What's this? Did Joohyun let him have her number? And bo gum? Who is this bubblegum? Wait... Isn't he one of the MC yesterday??!

I suddenly felt a pinch inside my chest. I know I shouldn't jump into conclusions and trust Joohyun but I can't really help but to overthink. Aish.

I just put the worry at the back of my mind and carefully remove Joohyun from me and put a pillow for her to hug it.

I took a shower first before going downstairs to prepare breakfast for the sleeping beauty in my bed.


I woke up when I felt that the warmth embracing me earlier were gone. I stirred still closing my eye in bed for a a few times before using my hands to find the warmth again. When I felt nothing but the sheets, I felt a slight panic that caused me to open my eyes and sat up abruptly. Maybe she's just downstairs.

I can't help but to blush at the tought of last night. Oh my god, we did 'it' and she said she loves me too.

I decided to get out of the bed. I swung my feet out the bed, standing up before picking up Lisa's shirt last night. I threw it over my head and wore it with nothing else underneath since it's just the two of us here and she has seen everything anyway.

Before going out of the bedroom, I decided to check my phone incase there were some important notifications or emails.

When I opened it, I saw that my Jen texted me saying that she covered up for me, that she knows that I'm with Lisa. I guess I need to get ready for some teasing when I get back.

I saw another message and opened it. It was from an unknown number.

>Unknown Number
Goodmorning, Beautiful! This is Bo Gum. Thank you for giving me your number!

Oh so it's the MC yesterday but... What is he saying that I give him my number? Is he out of his mind?? I decided to just ignore him to find the love of my life. Oh my gosh, She's my girlfriend now!!!

I felt giddy and skipped my way downstairs. On my way there, I can smell delicious pancakes. I suddenly felt hungry.

I happily went to the kitchen and saw my girlfriend cooking. She's so sexy. She's just wearing a sports bra and sweat pants with an apron wrapped around her body.

Those eyes (Lisrene)Where stories live. Discover now