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I know that by what we heard earlier, there's something wrong because no one will come here at my cabin aside from Joohyun. I never disclosed this place to anyone but her.

Leaving her, hurts me the most but that's not my concern for now. My goal now is to protect Joohyun.

I stood up after I put a chair and plant on the front of the safe room. She can get out of there only when she use her phone for someone to help her get out but as of the situation now, I know that she will only find it out by morning.

I can hear the footsteps on the front of the cabin so I guessed that there are some that's still outside the house.

I then went quietly inside the house to get my pistol with silencer and a knife that I am hiding in case of something like this would happen.

On my way there, I saw 3 men roaming around, amd they're not facing each other.

I sneaked around each one of them then cracked their necks by twisting their heads. I did this one by one and quietly.

Ater that, I finally got to the secret drawer near the t.v. where I hid my weapon.

When I got the gun I heard some of them also went inside.

"Find her!" A man said.

I ran to hide behind the kitchen counter because I did not had the time to run outside. I observed the footsteps more and I can hear that there were more or less 3 people.

I heard footsteps coming towards my way so I alerted myself.

When a man came into view, I pointed the gun at him and about to shoot him. When suddenly there's someone who pointed a gun in my head. Sht. I thought he was only one coming towards here.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" The man who's like their leader pointed behind my head. The rest were wearing black bomb jackets with black pants while this man was wearing a tux coat partnered with black dress pants.

"Put your gun down before I blow up your head" he threatened so I had no choice. I put the gun down slowly.

He wa about to grab me and I took this one in a million chance to fight against him.

In one swift move, I cracked the neck of the man that I was pointing the gun earlier and was about to go to their leader but I got shocked when his gun was pointing at me and before I can evern reach him.....



I'm here at office inside the warehouse with my men, waiting for park bo gum. I was consuming my cigarette when suddenly, my phone ding-ed indicating a message.

>From: Park
Sir we already got her and on our way to the warehouse. She got a shot on the chest because she tried to fight against us so I had no choice. She's unconscious now sir and bleeding hard.

>To: Park
That's okay. Bring her here quickly so I can hit her for a few times before she die.

>From: Park
Copy, Sir.

I got up from my sit to go outside this office to the main warehouse where the show will happen. See you soon, little girl. I smirked.


After some minutes, a car beepes outside indicating their arrival. When they made sure that it was bo gum, they let it enter.

They all got out of the car with two men carrying an unconscious girl. I then instructed them to put her on a chair that was located in the middle.

I can see that her shirt was soaked with blood.

I then went to bo gum who was still neside the van they used. I tapped his shoulders then said, "Good job."

I then went to the unconscious girl. I gripped her cheeks with my right hand tightly.

"What's so special to you that I can't get my son and daughter out of jail. You're just a nobody." I said to her even though i know that she's unconscious.

I pulled away then walked to the side to get a baseball bat.

"I'll hit you first before I let you die" I talked to the unconscious girl.

"Get a bucket of water! I need her conscious!" I instructed one on my men which he obliged.

When the bucket of water was given to me, I threw the water to the unconscious girl.

"Wakey wakey, little rat"

She groaned in pain then looked at me weakly.

I went near her then slapped her hard.

"You bitch. How did you do that huh? How come even if I use my power, I still cannot get my children out of jail??! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! YOU WILL KNOW WHO YOU'RE AGAINST TO!" I shouted at her.

I then lift the baseball bat that I'm holding and about to hit her when she suddenly shouted.


Then suddenly, gunshots were echoed through the warehouse. When I averted my eyes at her then looked around my men, they were all on the ground unconscious except for bo gum and his team.

"What the-" I did not have time to react when one of the man who was in bo gum's team went to me then punched me hard that sent me lying on the ground.

He then removed his mask off, revealing his face.


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"M-mr. Manoban??!!" I asked in shock.

Author's note:

I'll update again tomorrow!

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