I wipe my eyes and face on his cotton shirt before pulling away "come here" I pull him towards the couch where Zaarib and my biological mamma is seated.

Zain sits and bhabhi does the same and only now I realise that everyone are out except my old grandpa and grandma.

I ignore my other siblings while stomping towards Zaarib who hides the file behind his back as soon as I am near him.

"Give me that" I bark at the guy who shakes his head, few upper buttons are unbuttoned as he is seating peacefully with his legs spread to annoy me more at his coolness "Give me that Zaarib, don't play with me I am not at all in the mood to play"

"Give that Zaarib!!" I yell when he does not budge.

"What is happening here, Can anybody explain?" Zain questions looking confused and I quickly turn with a pout "tell him to give me the file" I point at Zaarib feeling totally annoyed while looking at Zain who glances at Zaarib and then at me.

"Okay I'll tell him but first come here" I reluctantly listen to him but walk towards Zain not before glaring at Zaarib who is resting his head on mama's shoulder as she is gently caressing his head.

"What's wrong? Did you guys fight?" He gently pulls me by my wrist so I sit beside him, with a pout to control the tears in my eyes I shake my head.

I sniff but let out those words which broke me "He is dying" after a pause everybody gasps loudly with their eyes wide in shock when I point at Zaarib.

"W-what do you mean?" Zain looks at me with his wide eyes and I start my explanation "he was getting sudden severe headaches so we-we went to the doctor and he said he is suffering from HD and he is only few days guest" I sob loudly while wiping my tears which are not stopping. And everybody sit's with frown on their forehands not able to digest my true news, mama looks like she will cry in the count down of three, two, one.

"Inaya...complete what happened first and then cry your giving everyone an heart attack" Zaarib rolls his eyes and I quickly take the cushion beside me to throw it on his face.

I wipe my tears to continue the real incident which occurred few hours ago "After that I cried a lot thinking I'll become a widow soon, he also said many things that broke my heart but then the doctor called us and when we went—" Zaarib cuts me off with a glare.

"Stop elaborating Inaya—" I glare at the guy who is having an annoyed expression on his face, looking all done by me, when I am doing nothing but pouring my feelings infront of my loved ones.

"Do not interrupt me when I am speaking" he shakes his head with a chuckle "what the hell happened? Can you tell us?" Zain the impatient one speaks so I finally tell him.

"When we went to the doctor again he said it was a mistake, our files where swapped and it was not him having HD but some one else" everybody sighs in relief and I nod telling that I was also as relieved as them. But a light slap on the back of my head makes me flinch and I see Zain glaring at me.

"When the incident so terrible you should start with good thing first and not give someone heart attack Inaya" I shrug ignoring him.

"Zain...I need your help, I don't know how your going to do this but I want that old man to become jobless till tomorrow, I've acted like a president's sister there so you're gonna make me one. I want his licence to be cancelled in next 24 hours" his glare does not die but ge nods while rubbing his forehead.

"What is the doctor name?" He looks at me and I look at Zaarib who shakes his head "Bro It was a mistake just let him be, he is in this position after years of studying and just because of one mistake we shouldn't take away his job just like that and anyways Inaya kicked him and made his forehead bleed, I am not even sure if he is conscious after that hard hit" he dares to glare at me and I only shrug feeling happy for hurting him.

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