Part 37🌸

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Amongst all the craziness of about a week ago, I forgot to tell you that I caught the bouquet. Mhm... Ever since then Sam has been joking with me on when we're getting married. Speaking of Sam, I'm on my way to his house right now. The Thomas' moved into the Brewers' house, finally, and Liz and Watson are back from their honeymoon. Yesterday I had a party with the girls because... I don't know, we just did, but I think I ate way too much because my stomach is currently murdering me.

Anyway, while sucking in the pain, I got up and got ready for the day. I didn't eat because I know that would make it a million times worse. Then I got my shoes and waited for my mom so she could drop me off. I had my bag with my phone, phone charger, a toothbrush just in case I throw up, and an extra shirt just in case. My mom comes down the stairs and she drives me to the house. Once we get there I say bye, and I walk up to the door. I knock on it and Charlie answers it.

Charlie- hi Lilli
Lilliana- hey Charlie
Charlie- Sam is in his room, I think you know where it is
Lilliana- yup. Not the first time I've been here

He chuckles and I walk up the stairs to Sam's room. The door was open so I walked in his room and then closed the door behind me. He smiled at me and opened his arms for a hug. I give him a small smile and hug him.

Sam- what's the matter, babygirl?
Lilliana- I think I ate too much yesterday

He pulled out of the hug and cupped my cheeks with his hands.

Sam- did you throw up?
Lilliana- no...
Sam- bubbas you should have told me... I could have went to your house instead, I don't want you coming here if you don't feel comfortable
Lilliana- no, I wanted to come here... trust me.
Sam- do you want anything? I can get it from the store
Lilliana- all I want is to be with you right now
Sam- ok...

He gives me a kiss and I softly smile. I lay down on his bed with him and my head is on his chest. He has one arm on my waist and the other is playing with my hair.

Sam- try going to sleep, it might help
Lilliana- ok
Sam- I love you
Lilliana- I love you too

He kisses my forehead and I slowly drift off to sleep. About an hour later I woke up and I felt the same... until.

Sam- Lilli where are you going?

I ran to the bathroom. I dropped down to the floor and threw up in the toilet. Sam came in and saw me hunched over. He came over and held my hair up and made light circles on my back with his hand. Once I finished I flushed it down and I put my head in my hands. Sam pulled me onto his lap and rocked me back and forth.

Sam- are you okay, baby?

I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and sat me on the counter. He grabbed a towel and wet it a bit and gently wiped my mouth. I gave him a small smile and he kissed my forehead.

Sam- ok, how about you brush your teeth and I'll go get you some water, ok?
Lilliana- ok...

He smiled and walked out of the bathroom. I got up from the counter and I immediately felt lightheaded. I held on to the counter. I stayed like that for a few minutes and gained the strength to brush my teeth. Once I finished I couldn't stand up anymore so I sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. Sam came in with the water and he sat down next to me.

Sam- drink some water bubba

I shook my head 'no'. Even though I knew it would help with my head, water is only gonna make me throw up again. He sighed and put his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine.

Sam- *whispers* princess, you have to drink something. I can have Olivia and Charlie go get you Gatorade? Will you drink that?

I shrugged.

Sam- alright, I'll have them get some at the store. I can tell you're lightheaded... I don't want you to pass out because you're dehydrated
Lilliana- I know...

He kisses my forehead and picks me up again. He brings me to his bed and lays me down. He gets in with me and pulls me on top of him. He turns his tv on and goes to Disney plus... I know what he's doing... he goes to 'Beauty and the Beast'.

Sam- a princess movie for my princess
Lilliana- then you're my prince

He chuckles. We watch half of the movie until he asks me a question.

Sam- hey Lilli, can I do something?
Lilliana- mhm

He moves his hand from my waist and puts it on my thigh. I smile and kiss his cheek. We were almost done with the movie when Charlie and Olivia walk in with a Target bag. They sit it down on Sam's desk and Olivia comes and hugs me.

Olivia- how are you feeling?
Lilliana- meh
Charlie- we bought you some medicine too, but you have to drink something first

I nod and lay back down with Sam and cuddle up to him.

Olivia- you two are such couple goals

Sam chuckled and I giggled. Sam put the blanket back over us. Olivia and Charlie then leave and go back to what they were doing. Sam went to put his hand back on my thigh... but because he couldn't see my leg he accidentally put it on my butt. He quickly moved it away and put it on my thigh. I laughed.

Sam- sorry
Lilliana- don't be... we're dating it's ok

Sam smiled and I kissed his lips. We've only been dating for less than a week and it already feels like we've been dating forever.

I really do love this boy...

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