Part 20 🌸

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We are back from winter break! It is Monday, so we have another BSC meeting. I started sitting for Natasha's kids, Macy and Evelyn. Macy was the six year old and Evelyn was the 7 month old. Macy was a pretty easy kid, she loved when I played guitar, she also loved helping me cook when I would make her dinner. Evelyn was pretty good to. She would only cry if she needed to be changed or she was hungry. Overall she's a pretty happy baby.

During the past couple weeks, I was still getting phone calls from that random number. They called me at least 10 times everyday. It's getting on my last nerve. The next time they call me I'm probably just going to answer it so they can stop calling me.

Right now I'm at Claudia's house for the BSC meeting. Mary Anne told me that she was bringing Dawn to the meeting, but I don't think she told Kristy. I'm praying for them both.

Kristy- as president, all guests should be run by me. It's in the bylaws
Claudia- we have bylaws now?
Kristy- yes, in the Club Constitution I wrote over break, do you ever check your email?
Lilliana- I only check my email if it's from Julia
Kristy- who's Julia?
Lilliana- didn't Sam tell you?
Kristy- tell me what?
Stacey- she has a music manager for her band
Claudia- really?
Lilliana- yup.
Dawn- that's cool! Who's in the band with you?
Lilliana- Sam and a couple of my other friends Oliver and Emmett. I'm actually meeting with them later
Dawn- rad

I smiled at the brunette.

Mary Anne- I brought Dawn with me because she's a great friend and a great babysitter. Things were quiet over the holidays, but now our clients are back. We're gonna need another sitter or else we'll get overstretched.
Stacey- well, as one of the last new girls in town, I'm thrilled Dawn is here!
Lilliana- me too!
Stacey- and, about those bylaws, is there anything about pushing jobs to members who spent way too much on holiday gifts/new riding boots?

We all laughed. She did really spend a lot of money over break.

Claudia- I second that. I have a roll of handmade washi paper being held at Dick Blick.
Mary Anne- oh, speaking of shopping, I have some news.

We all went silent waiting for an answer.

Mary Anne- my dad's finally letting me redo my room a little bit.
Stacey- yes! New year new you.
Mary Anne- nothing major. I have some babysitting money saved, so he said I could buy a couple things. Maybe new pillows or a cool new lamp?
Claudia- hot, let's browse
Lilliana- ok, I'll pull up my Pinterest, Stace and I still have some leftover boards saved from when we moved, sorted by color story

We all laughed. I pulled up my Pinterest and we started looking at some new things.

Kristy- Navy blue is nice.

We all looked at her with an 'are you serious' kind of look.

Kristy- and it hides the dirt.

We all awkwardly smile at Kristy and turn back to the laptop.

Dawn- how about a theme? Something personal that you love?
Mary Anne- oh yeah
Kristy- Broadway musicals
Dawn- or textiles!
Kristy- what like yarn?

We all look at Kristy again, and she goes silent. I give her a reassuring smile and look back at the laptop. Then the phone rings.

Stacey- *mumbles* thank god

She stood up and walked over to the phone. She picked it up and held it to her ear.

Stacey- hello, babysitters club... Hi Natalie

My eyes went wide. Not Natalie... I held my finger to my nose as if to tell them I wasn't taking the job, or nose goes as most people say. Kristy looked at us and we all rolled our eyes, except Dawn obviously, she has no idea who Natalie is.

Stacey- mhm. Ok, I'll check

She muted the phone and looked at us.

Stacey- remember when I said I needed a job? Can I take the next one instead?
Claudia- yeah, I'm broke, not 'sit for the Barretts' broke.
Dawn- what's wrong with the Barrett?
Kristy- the three kids are out of control, and the mom is in a recently divorced wrecking ball phase.

We all nod and I look at my laptop.

Dawn- that's kind of reductive

I looked at the girl and winced. Oh no...

Kristy- excuse me?
Dawn- I mean, newly divorced? Mom of three kids? Of course she's feeling overwhelmed.
Kristy- then why don't you take the job?
Dawn- does that mean I'm in the club?
Kristy- possibly, on a probationary basis. We'll see how she does... and then we'll make a final decision.
Stacey- so if she's great, which she will be, she's in?
Claudia- and if she tanks, we lose Natalie's number forever. It's a win-win
Kristy- good luck, and don't say you weren't warned.

Stacey picked the phone back up and told Natalie that Dawn was going to be her sitter, and then she hung up.

Lilliana- you're lucky you're on a probationary basis. I thought Kristy was going to murder you after you stood up to her
Dawn- I wouldn't be surprised if she did
Kristy- I wouldn't be surprised if I did either

We all laughed . The meeting then ended and I walked to the Thomas house. I went upstairs and to Sam's room. He was on his bed just playing on his phone. I knocked on the door frame. He looked up and saw me there. He smiled and opened his arms. I walked up to him and laid down on his bed with him.

Sam- how'd the meeting go?
Lilliana- good. Natalie called again
Sam- oof, who got her this time?
Lilliana- well, Mary Anne brought Dawn to this meeting, which we are lucky that they didn't get killed, but anyway long story short Dawn got her and she's on a probationary basis for joining the club
Sam- that's surprising
Lilliana- mhm

I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his chest. Then my phone rang. I picked it up and it was the unknown caller... again. I rolled my eyes and declined the call. Not even two seconds later they called again.

Sam- they've been calling you non stop the past two weeks. Maybe you should answer it...

I sighed and accepted the call. I put it on speaker.

Lilliana- hello?
The caller- Lilli, you answered!

My face dropped. He sounded way to familiar.

Lilliana- w-who is this?
The caller- don't mess with me, you know who I am!
Lilliana- Carson...
Carson- hi babes
Lilliana- *laugh* oh my god! It's been so long since I've talked to you!
Carson- I know right! Ever since I moved to California we lost touch
Lilliana- I know...
Carson- it's been to long since I've seen your face, wanna FaceTime?
Lilliana- sure

He FaceTimed me and I accepted. His face popped up and I smiled. He smiled at me too until he looked next to me and saw Sam. Then he smirked.

Carson- who is that?
Lilliana- Carson, this is my new best friend Sam, Sam this is Carson, he's practically my brother
Sam- hey
Carson- heyyyyy

I laughed at him. He's a really funny guy, but also really nice. We talked for a bit and Sam got to know Carson some. Then Sam and I had to go because Oliver and Emmett were here. We said bye and hung up, and then we went downstairs and had practice with the boys.

I missed him...

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