Part 17🌸

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While at yesterday's meeting, Kim called and asked if we wanted to come see the baby.

Claudia- I want to hear the whole birth story. Mom says I was born at 8 am, eyes wide open, observing everything
Kristy- I was born at 4:36 am right?
Liz- ready to take on the world
Stacey- my mom doesn't remember what time I was born at, after 30 hours of labor.
Lilliana- my mom never talked about that kind of stuff with me... she probably forgot anyway...

Kristy put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a sweet smile. I smiled back and kept walking with them to Kim's house.

Stacey- what about you Mary Anne?
Mary Anne- I don't know
Liz- you should ask Mimi, I bet she knows she was really good friends with your mom
Mary Anne- yeah?
Liz- yeah

We knocked on the door to Kim's house, and a few seconds later she opened the door.

Kim- she sleeping upstairs, I'll go get her
Liz- ok, not a problem

We all sat down in her living room until she brought the baby down. She walked over us.

Kim- meet Lucy... Lilli, you wanna show the other girls how it's done?

I nodded my head and she gently placed Lucy in my arms. I looked at her and smiled. She was soooo cute.

Lilliana- hi cutie...
Stacey- welcome to Stoneybrook Lucy...

Then I heard the snap of a photo being taken. I looked and saw Kristy with her phone out.

Lilliana- what are you doing?
Kristy- Sam said you'd look hot with a baby... I'm just helping prove his point

We all lightly laughed being careful not to startle the baby. She woke up, revealing her beautiful green eyes... I smiled at her and handed her back to Kim.

Later that day as we were walking to the Thomas house just to hang out, I got a text from Sam.

Sammy🥺- *the photo* I was right, you do look hot with a baby
Lilli bear🧸- haha very funny
Sammy🥺- I'm not joking
Lilli bear🧸- mhm. Also, way to make me blush in front of a bunch of girls.
Sammy🥺- oops
Lilli bear 🧸- yup, I gotta go before they start questioning me
Sammy🥺- ok, bye!
Lilli bear🧸- bye bye!

We got to the house and I saw Emmett, Oliver and Sam in the garage. I walked over to them.

Lilliana- hi boys!
Sam- hey Lills
Oliver- where were you?
Lilliana- oh, Kim had the baby so she asked us if we wanted to see her
Sam- and my conclusion was right, she's hot with a baby
Lilliana- ok Sam. I get it
Sam- but I don't think you do
Lilliana- shut up!

I punched him in the arm. We all laughed.

Emmett- so, we got an email from the company
Lilliana- really?
Oliver- yup
Lilliana- did you open it?
Sam- no, we wanted to wait for you
Lilliana- well I'm here now so open it

Oliver opened his laptop and went to his email, we were about to open it but...

Kristy- hey Lilli, we're gonna be at Claudia's for the meeting
Lilliana- ok
Claudia- meet us there when you're done
Lilliana- I will

They walked over to Claudia's house.

Lilliana- sorry
Sam- don't be

Oliver opened the email and we all read it in silence.

Music Makers Management

Dear The Roses,

I have gotten your email about wanting to work with us. We have also received some of the song lyrics you guys have composed, and for a bunch of 15 year olds, we were impressed. We are willing to work with you. Here is my number, I will be your manager, Julia. Call me whenever all four of you are available.

Thank you!
Music Makers Managment~ Julia Foster

Lilliana- oh my god...
Oliver- holy shit...
Emmett- we got a manager to work with us...
Sam- we did it...

We all looked at each other. Then we started freaking out. I high fived Emmett and Oliver, and jumped into Sam's arms. He spun me around and put me down. We stared at each other for a few seconds until Oliver cleared his throat. We looked away and blushed.

Lilliana- I have to go tell the girls!
Oliver- well one of them just walked outside

I looked over and saw Mary Anne. She looked kind of upset... like she was crying.

Lilliana- shit, what did they do now?

I walked over to her.

Lilliana- hey, what's the matter?
Mary Anne- nothing...
Lilliana- well it's obviously something... come on, you can talk to me
Mary Anne- *sigh* one of my dads coworkers wanted me to babysit her child. I wanted to say no because I'm not supposed to say yes... but I couldn't. Then Kristy and the other girls called me a pushover and said I needed to advocate for myself. I started crying and ran out... sometimes I feel like a baby compared to you guys...
Lilliana- hey, I understand why you're upset... I think the girls just wanted to help out, they just didn't do it the right way... and also, you aren't a cry baby. I was literally crying the other day, you can ask Sam. Sometimes your emotions get the best of you, and that's ok. It happens to everyone
Mary Anne- why are you so understanding?
Lilliana- *laugh* I have some problems of my own... I go to sam for everything, but I can do that for you?
Mary Anne- yeah... I'd like that
Lilliana- good. Now give me a hug

I hugged her and she hugged me back. We pulled away and she waved goodbye and walked to her house. I sighed and waved goodbye to the boys and went to Claudia's house.

When I walked in I saw Mimi knitting.

Lilliana- hi Mimi!
Mimi- ah, Lilli. Hi
Lilliana- how are you?
Mimi- good. How are you?
Lilliana- I'm doing great, thanks for asking
Mimi- the girls are upstairs
Lilliana- thanks

I walked upstairs and went up to Claudia's room. I walked in and glared at the girls.

Lilliana- are you kidding me?
Stacey- what?
Lilliana- don't act like nothing just happened? Mary Anne just walked to her house crying because you guys were being rude
Claudia- we told her that she had to be more assertive and to stand up for herself
Lilliana- but saying it the way you did is just going to make things worse! Friends don't talk to friends that way, and Stacey, you should know better. After everything you went through with Laine. I can't believe you guys...

I walked back downstairs and walked out the front door. I walked all the way back home and went into my room.

Such great friends... sense the sarcasm

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