Part 18🌸

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Today I woke up and got ready for school. I got dressed and did my hair. When I finished I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. I saw my dad in the kitchen. I smiled at him and grabbed a bowl of fruit out of the fridge.

Dad- hey sweetheart
Lilliana- hi dad
Dad- did you hear about what happened with the club?
Lilliana- yeah. Did her dad call you?
Dad- he called Liz and then she called us
Lilliana- oh
Dad- were you there?
Lilliana- no. I was with Sam, Emmett and Oliver. I saw Mary Anne walking home upset so I asked her if she was ok
Dad- ok. Just making sure. Stacey isn't allowed to go anywhere but school and club meetings
Lilliana- ok

I sat down at the kitchen island and ate my fruit. I had half of the decently sized bowl, and then I put the rest in the fridge. Stacey then came down and grabbed an apple and ate it.

Dad- good morning Stacey

I rolled my eyes and hugged my dad goodbye. Stacey got up and grabbed her bag and left the house. I grabbed my bag and followed her. We walked to her school without saying anything. I shrugged and walked to my school. Somehow I got to school before Sam did, so I waited by the flag pole.

When I saw Sam walking up with Olivia and Charlie, I smiled and waved. They all smiled back and walked over.

Lilliana- hey guys
Sam- hey
Charlie- are you grounded?
Lilliana- what? No
Olivia- Kristy got grounded yesterday because of the whole thing with Mary Anne
Lilliana- my sister got grounded to. Hasn't said anything this morning
Sam- how are things with your mom?
Lilliana- haven't seen her since that night
Sam- oh.
Lilliana- yup. I'm starting to think I just shouldn't care because she's never gonna pay attention to me
Olivia- that is kinda rude though... she's your mom, she should at least acknowledge you
Lilliana- it's whatever

I shrug and then the bell rings. Sam and I waved goodbye to Olivia and Charlie and we walk to home room. We walked in and saw Lacey on her phone. She looked pretty angry. She's probably just being salty about the agency going out of business.

I rolled my eyes at her and sat down with Sam. We talked a bit before the bell rang, and then kissed me cheek and said bye. Well that was weird. Anyway, I went to my class and sat down.

Later that day I met up with the others and we walked to go get Stacey, Kristy, Mary Anne and Claudia from school. We got there and saw Stacey talking with Kristy and Claudia, but Mary Anne was talking with someone else.

Lilliana- hey guys!
Kristy- let's go
Sam- hey! Be nice
Kristy- defending your girlfriend?
Sam- I-
Lilliana- it's fine. Just leave it

Kristy, Claudia and Stacey started walking to my house to drop Stacey off first. We got there and I opened the door for her and let her in.

Lilliana- bye Stace
Stacey- whatever

I rolled my eyes and closed the door. I walked down the steps and started walking again with the others.

Mary Anne- hi Lilli
Lilliana- hi Mary Anne!
The girl- hi, I'm Dawn
Lilliana- nice to meet you. I'm Lilliana, but everyone calls me Lilli
Mary Anne- she loves flowers
Dawn- that's cool!
Lilliana- yeah, back in New York I used to grow flowers and sell them for some cash
Sam- hey bubs, Oliver wants to know if we want to go skating later?
Lilliana- sure
Sam- ok
Dawn- is he your boyfriend?
Lilliana- no. He's my best friend
Mary Anne- although you wish he was your boyfriend
Lilliana- Mary Anne!
Mary Anne- *laugh* am I wrong?
Lilliana- no....
Mary Anne- see!
Lilliana- ok, ok. I get it

We laugh.

Kristy- Lilli can we talk to you?
Lilliana- *sigh* I guess so...
Claudia- are you mad at us?
Lilliana- I'm not mad, I'm disappointed. You guys have been best friends with Mary Anne for years and you know she can be a bit emotional. You have to explain to her that maybe it's best if she says no, or help her, don't yell at her and tell her to be more assertive and advocate for herself.
Kristy- I know... and we're sorry, but she seems to have a new best friend
Lilliana- just because she talks to someone new, doesn't mean that you aren't best friends anymore. Now I won't be at anymore club meetings until you solve things with her. If you need to give me a job just text me the info

I walked ahead to Sam. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. He intertwined our fingers and swayed our arms back and forth. I laughed a bit and kept walking.

Sam- what was that all about?
Lilliana- they asked if I was mad at them. I said I wasn't mad at them but I was disappointed. They know better
Sam- you sound like my mom

I laughed and punched his shoulder with my other arm. He laughed a bit and nudged my shoulder with his. I sighed and looked forward. Sam squeezed my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I smiled to myself.

We dropped Claudia off at her house and we went to Sam's. Kristy went upstairs into her room and Sam and I went to his. We sat down on his bed.

He was facing me, and he looked really nervous. I grabbed his hand.

Lilliana- hey, what's the matter?
Sam- well... I wanted to ask you something
Lilliana- ok...
Sam- so you know about my moms wedding, right?
Lilliana- well yeah. I was there when she told you
Sam- I wanted to know if... you maybe... wanted to go as my...
Lilliana- date?
Sam- uh, yeah.
Lilliana- Sam I'd love to
Sam- really?
Lilliana- yeah, you goofball
Sam- *laugh* good...

I playfully rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled and put a movie on. He pulled me onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. I laughed and we watched the movie.

His date...

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