Part 33🌸

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Ok, now today is the big day!

After all the planning and stress coming from both sides of the soon to be Thomas and Brewer family, we are finally ready to go!

I woke up this morning and hurried and showered. I threw on a t shirt and shorts because I didn't want to get my dress wet, and then it would be ruined.

I got out my wand iron and blow dryer, and quickly dried me hair. Then I took my curler and curled my hair all around. I then made a braid that would wrap around the back of my head, but before I pinned it up, I put really cute little white flowers into it.

I then went back into my room and made sure I had everything, like my purse, feminine products just in case anyone needs it, my wallet, makeup wipes, extra ribbon just in case, and my other bag that has the boutonnières, flower crowns and pins in it. Oh and also Karen's basket... Karen's basket!

I ran to the kitchen and looked on the counters for Karen's basket. If you are wondering why the basket would be in my kitchen, it's because I normally do a lot of my work down there, and I did Karen's basket last night. Anyway, I decided to look in the cabinets, and thank god it was there. I let out a breath of relief, and I ran back up to my room. I decided to do my makeup now, so within about 30 minutes it ended up like this...

 I decided to do my makeup now, so within about 30 minutes it ended up like this

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With a tinted pink lip gloss. I then grab my dress and put it on carefully because I don't want to get makeup on it, and I don't want to ruin my hair. Once I successfully got my dress on, I put my heels on and my jewelry as well. I got my necklace that Sam got me for Christmas. I looked at it and smiled, and then put in on. It was cute because it had little flowers on it.

Then I walked over to my full length mirror and looked at myself. I thought it looked good so I grabbed my flat iron and some Bobby pins to help my sister get ready. I walked into her room and she had already put her dress on. She looked at my outfit.

Stacey- omg, you look to die for
Lilliana- thank you Stace, now I'm gonna help you look 'to die for'

She laughed and we sat down by her desk. I took my flat iron and plugged it in. Then I took Stacey's hair brush and gently brushed it out a bit. When my flat iron was done heating up, I straightened Stacey's hair, and then took the Bobby pins and put her hair in a bun, then putting her head piece inside her hair.

She told me she only wanted a simple makeup look, so I just put on some mascara and lip gloss along with a bit of highlighter and blush. I finished up her look, and she put her shoes on, and we both went to my room so she could see what she looked like in my full length mirror.

Lilliana- see... to die for
Stacey- says you. Sam is literally gonna be tripping over his own feet when he sees you

I blush and she chuckles a bit. Then I grab the stuff I need and head to my dads car. He has to drive me to Watson's house to help Kristy, Karen, and the boys get ready, I also have to make sure all of the flowers are where they are supposed to be.

Dad- you look beautiful, sweetheart
Lilliana- thanks dad
Dad- well, are you ready to go?
Lilliana- yup
Dad- then let's go!

We go to the car and I hop in the passengers seat with the basket, and bags with my stuff. Before we left I also grabbed some makeup, my wand curler, and some Bobby pins for the girls. My dad started the car and we drove to Watson's. Once. I got there I went inside and I could see Kristy frantically walking around with her dress.

Lilliana- Kris!
Kristy- *sigh* Lilli, finally someone I know. I need you to help me find my mom
Lilliana- ok, is she upstairs?
Kristy- I don't know

She loudly whistles which makes all of the busy workers look at her. From upstairs we could hear Liz shouting to Kristy. She went upstairs and while I had the worker attention I talked to them.

Lilliana- ok, while I have your attention, I want to tell you guys to NOT touch the flowers. If you need them to be moved, come find me. I will be upstairs with the wedding party, bye now!

I ran upstairs to find Kristy. I saw her walking out of the room Liz was in. I waved hi to Liz and she smiled.

Elizabeth- hi Lilli, you look so pretty!
Lilliana- thank you! But you are gonna look like a queen once you're all dressed up
Elizabeth- aww you're so sweet. Sam has really got a good one

I blushed and smiled at her. She chuckled and looked back in the mirror. I didn't want to bother them so I walked out of the room and I went with Kristy into another room.

Lilliana- alright Kristy, you ready?
Kristy- ready as I'll ever be
Lilliana- ok! I'm gonna have you sit down right here, and I'm gonna do your hair first, and then your makeup.
Kristy- ok

She sat down and I plugged in my wand curler. I curled her hair and then carefully pinned the flower crown I made in her hair. Then I took my makeup and did something simple, like what I did for Stacey.

Lilliana- alright! Go put your dress on and show your mom. I'm gonna go find the boys and help them get ready
Kristy- good luck

I laughed and walked over to another room. I saw all of the boys in there, as well as Karen. Sam was playing with David Michael, facing the opposite direction. Charlie and Watson noticed me and they waved hi. I waved back and put my finger over my lips telling them to be quiet. They nodded and went back to what they were doing. I leaned against the door frame and smiled at him. David Michael then turned around and noticed me.

David Michael- hi Lilli!
Lilliana- hi buddy

He ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and then he let go of the hug. Sam looked at me and he looked shocked.

Sam- Lilli.... Woah... you look...amazing!
Lilliana- *giggle* thank you... I tried
Sam- you don't have to try to look amazing. You always do

I laughed and he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.

The butterflies...

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