Part 31🌸

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We came home a few days ago, and ever since we have, I've been super stressed out about this wedding stuff. I had so many flowers to make and only a couple days because the supplies I ordered came a day late.

Right now I just woke up and I'm getting ready to head to Watson's. I didn't want to get all dressed up to sweat to death putting up all these flowers, but I would have some help, so I decided to at least wear a nice shirt.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and I checked my bag to make sure I had everything. I had all the flowers out in cardboard boxes and they were already placed in my dad's car. All I needed to remember was the ribbon, my phone and water. I took a deep breath and went back upstairs to grab the rest of my stuff, and then I headed to the car.

Dad- alright kiddo, you ready?
Lilliana- ready as I'll ever be
Dad- then let's go

He starts driving to the Brewer house. Or I guess now the Thomas-Brewer house... that's gonna take a while to get used to. When we got there I hopped out of the car and grabbed some boxes. I knocked on the door and Watson opened it.

Watson- hi Lilli, thanks for all this again
Lilliana- of course, it's my job. Literally

We both laugh. He lets me into the house and shows me where the ceremony is being held, and then he shows me this huge cool tent in the backyard that will be for the reception.

Watson- alright, well I'll let you do your thing, if you need help just come find me. Or actually you won't be able to find me cause I'll be at the DMV with Charlie and Sam
Lilliana- ooo I forgot that Charlie found a car! That's exciting!
Watson- he's really excited
Lilliana- I bet. Well I'll let you get to the boys
Watson- thanks again Lilli
Lilliana- my pleasure

I smile at him and he walks inside of the house. Apparently Liz hired a few people to help because some people came in and asked me where to put everything. I just told them how I wanted the wreaths and the border flowers to be put up, and I did the centerpieces on the tables. I also laid a few flower petals on the tables and put ribbon on the chairs. Then once we were done, we headed inside and I saw Kristy being a priest for a wedding that had Karen as the bride and David Michael as the groom. The people that helped me started putting the wreath up in the front of the room, and well as the border flowers.

Kristy- when you think of weddings, you think of flowers, champagne, grownups crying because they're happy, which doesn't make any sense. But, weddings are about more than all that stuff. They're about love, commitment, what happens when you join two people, and their families, together forever. Unless someone changes their mind, which they do all the time.
Karen- we are all children of divorce Kristy. Get to the good part.

Kristy looks at David Michael while I try not to laugh a bit.

David Michael- just do whatever she says.
Kristy- prepared for marriage already. Ok
Kristy- do you, Karen Amaryllis Brewer, take David Michael Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Lilliana- twinsees! Sorry Karen has a flower middle name I had to say that

They all laughed at me.

Karen- wait, what's his middle name?
Kristy- Michael. David Michael Thomas.
Karen- so, three first names... weird, but I do.
Kristy- and do you David Michael Thomas, take Karen Amaryllis Brewer, to be your lawfully wedded wife?

He hesitates and looks at Karen.

David Michael- as long as it's just pretend.
Lilliana- don't worry David Michael, I'm pretty sure you can't legally get married yet
David Michael- thank god
Kristy- so now, by the power vested in me by the state of Connecticut, I now pronounce you husband and-
Elizabeth- Kristy can you take the kids outside to play please? Lilli is here to help us set up and everything, so it would be better with the kids outside.

The guys the were helping with the flowers brought in chairs and big bouquets. I told them where to set it down.

Karen- we haven't even kissed yet
David Michael- and I didn't get to break the glass
Elizabeth- it's not a Jewish wedding, honey
David Michael- but it would be cool to smash something
Elizabeth- yes it would, outside
Kristy- which would be a better place for the ceremony
Elizabeth- yes, but six generations of Brewers have been married in this room, apparently. So I'm not gonna be the one to break that tradition
Karen- so does that mean, if Sam marries Lilli, then they'd get married in here too?
Lilliana- wait, who told Karen about that?
Karen- it's kind of obvious

I nod and shrug.

Elizabeth- depends. Go

They go to leave but Liz stops them.

Elizabeth- woah woah woah, what's that on your head?
Karen- granny Brewer brought them from the vault
Elizabeth- yes, for me, to borrow. If you lose one stone in that tiara, you're gonna be paying for that out of your allowance for the next 700 years
Karen- it's very heavily insured

And then she walks away. I try not to laugh. Then Kristy looks at her mom.

Kristy- aren't you a little old for a tiara?
Elizabeth- tell that to the queen

We hear a car horn in the driveway.

Elizabeth- oh, Charlie must be home
Lilliana- uh, I'll be right back

I told the people helping me. They nodded and kept talking amongst themselves. We walked outside and we saw a brand new BMW drive into the driveway. I raised my eyebrows. I thought he was getting a 2007 Toyota Corolla... Sam smiled and waved at me excitedly. I laughed a bit at him and waved back.

Charlie- mom, this thing has 248 horsepower, and four cylinders. And the smell... Mom, I want my whole life to smell like this
Elizabeth- well you better start changing your sheets more often

I nod and chuckle. Then Sam speaks up.

Sam- oh, come on, at Watson's house we don't have to change our own sheets
Watson- *chuckle* that's right
Sam- kidding. Kidding

Liz gave Watson a death glare and he shut up. I shook my head and walked over to the car window where Sam was, while Liz talked to Watson.

Sam- hi princess
Lilliana- hey, looks like you're excited
Sam- well duh, look at it
Lilliana- *chuckle* I see it
Sam- how's the decorating going?
Lilliana- good, we have one room left
Sam- once you are done, do you want to go on a walk with me?
Lilliana- sure
Elizabeth- why don't you take your mom for a spin?
Watson- yes, yes, here we go! Kristy come on

She rolls her eyes and walks to the car. I chuckle and walk to the front door of the house. Sam waved goodbye and blows kisses and I laugh and catch one.

He's so adorable...

𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕~...                                   𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ