Now, it seemed that he had no much left to offer. His condition was deteriorating. 

He had disappointed Guizhong.

He blend in with the people of Liyue, who was having a festival among themselves, with smile on their faces. The festivity was a blast, with lanterns hanging from a house to another, a campfire was set in the middle to serve as the main light of the night. 

Things were looking good for the neighboring country, Sumeru, that they even had entertainer that travel all over the world to, well, entertain people. 

His people that smiling right now, if only they knew that they could achieve more than this with another person would be alive in his stead. 

He submerge from the crowd to see what made the people attentive to the entertainer that they were in awe, watching what they could offer. 

They were just female in a traditional attire of Sumeru, dancing around the fire while interacting with the crowd. 

After long, he noticed that one of them, was different from the other female entertainers. While the other girls simply grooves to the instruments played by the male entertainers, this (h/c) hair female was dancing rather passionately amongst them. The girls made way for that specific entertainer to perform in front of the people with a thin layer fabric gracing her moves, a smile never cease to leave her face. 

Her steps, her moves, passionately executed as if she enjoyed entertaining people. It looked like she was looking forward to this, to put a smile on the people that watching her. 

Then, the entertainers slowly heading towards his way, and his eyes, never left your trail. 

You grooved to the instrument as you had always enjoyed. Since little, your parents always encourage you to do what you love, and you had been dancing through every part of your village thanks to that. You were chosen as one of many people to form an entertainment group, one of the Sumeru culture to nurture. Leaving your parents behind was heavy for you, but you had always passionate over becoming an entertainer. 

While you were gliding through the ground, not thinking that anyone would stand in the way, a certain dark hair was standing in your steps and forced you to stop before crashing into him.

Peeking over your thin layer fabric, you looked at the brightest golden eyes you had ever seen, looking at you in a trance, as if he was awe-struck at the sight of you.

He was indeed, froze to the ground. The sight of you took his breath away, your (e/c) eyes looked into his own, unnerving of even colliding eyes with his Geo fuse pair of orbs that emphasized power. Your eyes were a bright, passionate one that never seemed anything a threat. 

An effortless smile formed on your lips.

"Didn't see you there, handsome one." 

He was still unable to move even after you walked pass him, continuing entertaining other people. Your eyes, your smile, he could not get you out of his mind. It as if a light start to peek through his heart that continuously growing dark. A spark ignited in him.

The festivity ended for that day, the people slowly going home. At the back of the guest house, the entertainer were still talking among others while changing into their casual clothes before going to sleep. Due to their innate ability of entertaining, the place seemed still bright and warm with smiles and entertainment even among themselves. 

"Great job today, (Y/n)." You felt an encouraging squeeze to your shoulder from your head of the group as he were going around the place to congratulate everyone. You smiled at him with a respectful nods from you and also your other friends.

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