Sozin's comet part 4: Avatar Aang

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Azula: I'd really rather our family physician look after little Zuzu if you don't mind! Zuzu, you don't look so good!

Azula Attempts to boast more flames, but her fate was already sealed. As her flames scorch, Caleb's body began to swirls with amber orange energy, he stood up. Ready to end this, Azula slowly turned as he pulled the metal katana's from his shirt and dropped it. Metal, a very good conductor of electricity. Azula snarled and blasts gales of flames, as Caleb drowns in fire, he simply flicked his hand as the flames went up and faded into the air, Azula was shocked as there were no injuries, the orange aura radiates as he approaches Azula, She blasts more and more flames, they don't even phase him. His eyes turning a deep shade of orange, much like the avatar.

Avatar Caleb maybe?, no, Spirit State Caleb.

Azula grits her teeth

Azula: You think that scares me?! You're right! You're nothing a dead man!

Azula charges up her lightning, but Caleb shows no fear, she blasts the lighting with all her willpower as the sheer force causes an explosion that can be seen from high up. But from the smoke, Caleb reaches out and grabs her hand, stopping her from bending, she Attempts to swing with her other But it was futile, Azula was stuck as she attempted to get from his grasp. As he simply hugged her, the shock and confusion was on her face, she struggled to get out of his grip but, slowly she began to, succumb, her rage slowly turning into pure sadness, she gripped his back, tears forming as she stopped fighting and simply cried, her sadness and despair pouring out of her body as she couldn't hold back her tears.

Zuko sat up, seeing Azula cry in his arms, someone so broken, undeserving of love and affection.

With The war over, Aang defeated the fire lord. And being congratulated by his allies

Sokka: You did it! You should have seen yourself, it was amazing! You were all like, "pshoom, pfoom, pfoom, phish, whoom", and then the Fire Lord was all like, "eugh, eh, eh, eh, eugh, aye".

Suki: So, did you.. you know...finish the job?

Ozai: I'm still alive.

Aang: I learned there was another way to defeat him and restore balance. I took his bending away.

Toph: Wow, who taught you that?

Aang: A giant Lion Turtle.

Toph: You have the craziest adventures when you disappear.

Sokka: Well, look at you buster. Now that your firebending is gone, I guess we should call you the "Loser Lord".

Ozai: ....I am the Phoenix ....oh I'm too tired...

Toph: Oh sorry, didn't mean to offend you "Phoenix King of Getting His Butt Whupped."

Suki: Yeah, or how about "King of the Guys Who... Don't Win"

Toph: Leave the nicknames to us honey.

After the war, the next day, Zuko is getting dressed.

Mai: You need some help with that?

Zuko: Mai! You're ok. They let you out of prison?

Mai: My uncle pulled some strings, and it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your boyfriend.

Zuko: So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?

Mai: I think it means...I actually kind of like you. But don't ever break up with me again.

Mai smiles and plants a kiss on the lips of the new fire lord. At the fire nation coronation, Hakoda has a reunion with his kids.

Sokka: Dad!

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