The crossroads of Destiny part 2

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Iroh: Perfection and power are overrated. I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love.

They stop again and Aang pushes back the earth with a wave of his arms.

Aang: What happens if we can't save everyone and beat Azula? Without the Avatar State, what if I am not powerful enough?

Iroh: I don't know the answer. Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving...

They come to one last wall of rocks. Aang pushes both arms forward, earth bending the rocks out of the way. A green light shines through. Iroh smiles as the flame in his hand extinguishes and the green light washes over him. They walk forward and enter the crystal catacombs.

Iroh: You will come to a better place.

The catacombs are full of glowing green crystals, stalagmites, and stalactites. In the back of the area is a waterfall pouring into a channel forming two rectangles around several thick, jagged columns.

- - -

After searching around for a while, Aang bursts into the tunnel housing Zuko and Katara with Iroh and Caleb.

Katara: Aang!

Aang stares at Zuko and Katara, confused by how close they are before Katara runs up to him and they embrace in a warm hug. Aang glares at Zuko while still holding Katara. Iroh runs up to Zuko and hugs him around the shoulders. Zuko glares back at the Avatar. Caleb smiles at both pairs, seeing Aang and Zuko's glares.

Caleb: (internally worried) Yeah, this is all about to go to hell.

Katara: Aang, I knew you would come.

Zuko: (upset) Uncle, I don't understand. What are you doing with the Avatar!! (points a finger at Aang)

Aang: Saving you, that's what.

Zuko snarls at Aang and tries to lunge at him, but Iroh grabs him, preventing him from causing a fight.

Iroh: Zuko, it's time we talked. (turns to Aang, Caleb, and Katara) Go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you.

Aang clasps his hands and bows respectfully to Iroh before running back through the hole in the cave. Katara slowly follows after him. She turns her head and takes one last sad glimpse at a sullen Zuko before exiting.

Caleb: Be careful down here.

He quickly follows his friends.

Aang, Caleb, and Katara run through the main part of the catacombs where the waterfall is.

Katara: We've got to find Sokka and Toph.

A stream of blue fire rockets towards Aang and Katara from behind. Aang quickly turns around and earth bends a wall of stone to protect them. The fire hits the wall with great force, knocking Aang back. They see Azula, he fingertips smoking. Katara runs around the smoldering wall and bends the water in the channel. She charges at Azula and brings the water crashing down on her. Azula deflects the attack with a short blast of fire. Katara keeps her momentum and spins the water around her, smashing it into the floor and creating a large wave. Azula stomps the ground and flings her hands out, making a wall of fire that evaporates the wave coming at her. The resulting steam hides Azula from view. Aang and Katara look left and right, preparing for a sneak attack.

Aang: Caleb, go help Sokka and Toph.

Caleb: Aang, it's my cousin, I've gotta fight her.

Aang: Go and help your girlfriend and your best friend, Caleb.

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