The Day of black sun part 1: The Invasion 2/2

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The submarines approach the gate as an alarm similar to the one heard at the Great Gates of Azulon sounds. Harpoons shoot out from various battlements into the water as the submarines try to dodge them. Harpoons continuously fill the water and Appa narrowly avoids being impaled by one. Due water bends the submarine as a harpoon pierces through the vessel, filling the ship with water. He freezes the water and loses his balance as the harpoon reels the submarine in. The vehicle is slowly being pulled out of the water. Katara and Appa see the situation from underwater and begin to ascend. Appa growls as he leaves the water and Katara proceeds to cut the harpoon with water bending, allowing the submarine to land safely back into the water as it continues as if nothing has ever happened. The submarines are seen heading towards some holes in a wall. Hakoda looks through the periscope.

Hakoda: Ready the torpedo.

A torpedo encased in ice is loaded by two engineers. They lock and seal the canon.

Hakoda: Launch!

Hue does a water bending move and torpedos shoot out from the bottom of all the submarines, destroying the gratings on the wall. Columns of water spray upwards upon impact. The submarines enter the holes in the wall.

The Earth Kingdom soldiers and Water Tribe warriors wait in their tanks. Sokka sighs during the wait. The submarines resurface and head toward the shore while numerous projectiles are hurled at the vessels. They land onshore and their base retracts, revealing a team of caterpillar tanks. The tanks advance toward the capital as projectiles continue to be thrown at the submarines.

A bright light can be seen from afar, originating at the top of one of the subs. It had launched something into the sky. The thing lands on top of one of the earth bender tanks, the one Toph was in. She smiles as she knows exactly what it was.

Caleb: Fire Nation! Heed my words! You call me a traitor, but you are the ones who have, in fact, betrayed our Nation's very spirit! Surrender now or prepare to face my fire!

None of the soldiers look like they plan to back down. Caleb draws his blades and leaps from the tank, beginning to attack. The soldiers and warriors emit battle cries and rush out of the tanks to attack.

As she exits her tank, Toph runs to where Caleb is. He had just hit a fire nation soldier with the pommel of his blade, knocking him unconscious. He then turns around and ruthlessly stabs into the shoulder of another with his dagger. One approaches him from behind, but Toph earth bends a tower underneath the soldier, launching him into the sky. Ignis glides down onto the face of one soldier and breathes fire at his face. The flames fill the helmet before spewing out the bottom. The soldier falls to the ground as Ignis jumps onto Caleb's shoulder.

Caleb: Thanks!

Toph nods in response. They rush forward together, continuing to fight through the waves of soldiers. Caleb stops as an explosion sounds. He covers his ears before collapsing onto the ground. A soldier tries to take advantage of his weakened state, but Toph protects him with her earth bending. She rushes over to check on him.

Toph: Are you okay?

Caleb: I-I'm fine! It's just the noise of the explosion!

Toph: (helping him up) Don't worry, I've got you. Besides, those explosions were good things. Sokka and his dad just took out the battlements up there.

Caleb: Right, good.

Suddenly, they hear Sokka's voice from a bit above. They look up to see him riding Appa, who is walking on the ground.

Sokka: (raising his voice) Listen up everyone, I want the tanks in wedge formation! (his arms open up in a V-shape) Warriors and benders in the middle. (Caleb, Toph, and the Earth Kingdom soldiers move into action) We're taking that tower (points at it) and headed for the royal palace!

The caterpillar tanks move into said formation. Caleb stands in the front of the benders, holding his blades at the ready. Sokka is right in front with Appa.

Sokka: (grabs his sword and points toward the enemy) Charge!

They advance, pushing back the soldiers. Many begin to retreat.

A lone Fire Nation soldier trying to fight the advancing caterpillar tanks. He slowly retreats as they climb up the stairs towards the capital. Two Fire Nation soldiers are doing their best to fire bend at a caterpillar tank. They retreat when no damage is done. A mini-truck and two caterpillar tanks press forward.

Sokka jumps off the mini-truck. The truck, loaded with barrels of explosives, collides into a wall, exploding upon impact. The defense wall is covered in smoke. The smoke clears and the invasion force is charging into the capital. Fire Nation guards and tanks retreat while three of the Fire Nation soldiers at the front sends three continuous blasts towards the group. The shields of the invasion force block the fire blasts.

Tyro: The Fire Nation is falling back!

Appa lands behind Bato

Bato: Sokka, we're on our way to victory.

Sokka looks at the volcano.

Caleb pushes back a group of six fire benders all on his own. They begin running away, some covered with burns.

Caleb: You really think your fire bending can beat mine?! I'm the son of the greatest fire bender to ever live!

Curtis, Sheba, and Toph come to stand beside him, Ignis sitting on the girl's shoulder.

Toph: What was that about?

Caleb: Thought I'd try some Toph-branded arrogance for a change. It was kinda fun.

Toph: Stop learning from me unless it's earth bending stuff. It's not a good idea.

Curtis: Now's not the time, you two. We need to keep pushing forward.

Caleb: Right. This is it. The final push!

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