The Library part 2

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Information on our enemy. It's not like we can go into the Fire Nation without people recognizing me and Aang. Sometimes, we have to take chances.

After a few more hours of flying, Toph suddenly sits up and points out into the desert.

Toph: (in excitement) There it is!

Katara and Sokka look in the direction Toph is pointing. All they see is empty sand dunes. Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Momo turn towards Toph and glare at her for tricking them.

Toph: That's what it will sound like when one of you spots it.

Toph turns to the others and gives them a blank grin, waving her hand in front of her eyes to remind them of the fact that she is blind. She quickly goes back to clutching the saddle as Caleb laughs from the other side of the saddle. The others glare at him.

Sokka continues searching for the library through his spyglass and Katara is using her hand as a visor. Aang appears fatigued, and Momo has fallen asleep on top of the air bender's head. Caleb looks out with Ignis, but they see nothing.

Katara: It shouldn't be this hard to spot a giant ornate building from the air.

Sokka: Down there. What's that?

Aang perks up, causing Momo to be awakened. They all look in the direction Sokka is pointing. Appa descends down to the spire he had seen.

Katara: (disappointedly) Forget it. It's obviously not what we're looking for. The building in this drawing is enormous.

They all turn their heads as something glimmers atop one of the sand dunes in the distance. A large gray fox climbs over the top of the dune. In its mouth is a scroll. It pauses and turns to look at the humans, the scroll in its mouth glints in the sunlight. The fox continues and walks off.

Sokka: What kind of animal is that?

The fox gallops towards the spire's base. Instead of stopping, the fox begins running up the spire at a ninety-degree angle.

Professor Zei: I think that was one of the knowledge seekers.

The fox jumps through the window.

Professor Zei: Oh, we must be close to the library!

Caleb: No, this is the library. (points up at the spire) Look!

Sokka: It's completely buried.

Professor Zei: The library is buried!

Zei runs forward before falling to his hands and knees.

Professor Zei: (depressed) My life's ambition is now full of sand.

Smiling, he lifts his head and reveals a small shovel in hand.

Professor Zei: Well, time to start excavating.

He attempts to unearth the library using the tiny shovel.

Caleb: That man does not give up.

Toph: (placing her hand on the spire) Actually, that won't be necessary. The inside seems to be completely intact, and it's huge.

Sokka: That fox thingy went in through a window. I say we climb up there and give it a look.

Toph: I say you guys go ahead without me.

Katara: You got something against libraries?

Toph: I've held books before, and I gotta tell you, they don't exactly do it for me.

Katara gives a nervous laugh and scratches the back of her head.

Katara: Oh, right. Sorry.

Toph: Let me know if they have something you can listen to.

Toph Beifong x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now