City of secrets part 2

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Katara: We'll get in the party, and then find a way to let you in through the side gate.

Aang and Sokka watch as Toph, Caleb, and Katara leave the house.

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Several high class citizens are lined up and being admitted inside the palace by a guard. He is checking out the invitation of one group before letting them pass. Toph, Caleb, and Katara are next in line and approach the guard.

Guard: Invitation, please.

Toph: I think this will do.

Toph holds up the official seal of the Bei Fong family to the guard.

Guard: No entry without an invitation. Step out of line, please.

Toph: (irritated) Look, the Pangs and the Yum Soon Hans are waiting in there for us. I'm going to have to tell them who didn't let me in.

Guard: (unyielding) Step out of line, please.

The guard points his finger to the side. The three walk off disappointedly. The sound of a carriage grabs their attention. They see a high ranking government official step out of the carriage. Two guards bow to him. Katara smiles as an idea comes into her mind. She, [Y/n], and Toph walk towards the official.

Katara: Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but my cousin lost our invitations. (whispering) She's blind. Do you think you could help us? Our family's inside and I'm sure they're very worried.

Long Feng: (smiles and bows his head) I am honored, please come with me.

Long Feng walks towards the guard at the entrance with Toph and Katara following closely. The guard bows to him and the three of them head into the palace. As they are walking in, Toph and Katara stick their tongues out at the guard while his back is turned.

Toph and Katara: Nyah! Pssfft!!

Caleb grabs them and turns them around, forcing them to walk normally.

Many guests are conversing around a long dining table with an assortment of foods placed upon it. At one end of the table is the Earth King's bear eating a steak, his drool dripping off his chin. He is dressing in a yellow shirt and a green hat. Seated to either side of him are two guests.

Guest 1: He's taking all the good stuff!

Guest 2: Quiet, you don't know what I had to do to get seats this near the bear!

The bear swipes what remains of the steak into the first guest's face before pouncing onto the table and devouring a large plate of meat in front of him. He pulls his head away as Toph, Caleb, Katara, and Long Feng walk into the hall.

Long Feng: It's beautiful, isn't it? By the way, I'm Long Feng. I'm a cultural minister to the king.

Katara: I'm Kwa Mai, and this is Dung. (Toph frowns and tugs at a string hanging from Katara's headdress) Ow! And this is Lee, her betrothed.

Caleb: (whispering) We're going with that one again?

Katara: (whispering back) Yes, it works better than you being our third cousin. Three would be suspiciously too convenient.

Long Feng: Now where is your family? I'd love to meet them.

Katara: Um... I don't see 'em right now. But I'm sure we'll find them soon. Thanks for all your help.

The three walk away from Long Feng. A moment later, Long Feng mysteriously appears in front of the two girls.

Long Feng: Don't worry, as your escort it would be dishonorable to abandon you ladies without finding your families first. We'll keep looking.

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