The Fortune Teller part 1

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Everything is dark. Suddenly, two eyes, glazed over and sea-foam green, appear. Flames begin to surround them.

Girl: You let me down... I loved and trusted you, and you disappointed me.

The view zooms out to reveal a small girl in Earth Kingdom clothing surrounded by flames. She drops down a trap door to her death before everything suddenly disappears and Caleb quickly sits up in his sleeping bag.

Caleb: (reaching his hand out) No!

He looks around and sees he's sitting by a pond. Aang and Katara look had been training together while Sokka was fishing, but they had all stopped and looked over at him.

Sokka: You okay man?

Caleb: What time is it?

Katara: We're probably gonna head out soon. But you didn't answer the question. Is everything alright?

Caleb: Yes, I'm- (sighs and puts a hand on his face) No, I'm not okay.

Aang: What's up?

Caleb: I thought I was finally free of it. It hasn't happened in weeks. But for the past year, I've been having this recurring dream. A girl that apparently loves me is killed by fire. I can't help but feel like something bad is gonna happen. And it's gonna be my fault.

Sokka: Hey, it's just a dream. Nothing bad's gonna happen.

Caleb: I disagree. Something bleak is on the horizon.

They then hear a strange noise. Momo flies off towards it, Aang quickly following with Caleb right behind him once he has his shirt on. From their rock, they look down and see a man getting attacked by a Platypus Bear.

Calm Man: Well, hello there. (Bear swings at him, the man dodges) Nice day, isn't it?

Aang: Make noise, it'll run off!

Caleb: No, play dead, he'll lose interest!

The bear swings and misses again.

Calm Man: Whoa! Close one. Haha!

Katara: Run downhill, then climb a tree!

Sokka: No, punch him in the bill!

Aang: And then run in zigzags!

Calm Man: No need. It's going to be fine.

The bear swings again, swiping a large chunk of wood out of a nearby tree as the calm man ducks just in time. Aang shoots into the air from off his nearby rock up over the head of the bear. He lands, putting himself between the calm man and the bear, and air bends up a wall of air that momentarily pushes the beast backward.

Aang: Whoa there!

The bear rears up and roars, only to have Appa rear up behind him and roar. The bear drops an egg out his behind and runs into the river and swims away. Sokka picks up the large egg.

Sokka: Mmm! Lunch! (he sniffs egg, then looks at the calm man with a haughty look) Lucky for you we came along.

Calm Man: Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry, Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey. (he puts his hands in a position of prayer and bows slightly at this)

Aang: Aunt who?

Calm Man: No, Aunt Wu. She's the fortuneteller from my village. Awful nice knowing your future.

[Y/n]: (quietly) Yeah. Must be.

Katara: That explains why you were so calm.

Sokka: But the fortuneteller was wrong! You didn't have a safe journey, you were almost killed!

Toph Beifong x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now