Lake Laogi part 2

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Toph: Try to think of something from your past that triggers your emotions.

Smellerbee: The Fire Nation, remember what they did to your family.

Katara: Close your eyes. Picture it.

Jet closes his eyes, and sweat beads on his forehead. A few seconds later, he opens his horror-struck eyes, then he droops for a while, exhausted.

Jet: (shaken) No! It's too painful.

Katara: Maybe this will help.

Katara steps behind him, drawing out a portion of her bending water. She places the water and her hands to the sides of his head. Jet stares down at the shadow cast on the floor before him by the light of her energies.

Jet: (tentatively) They took me to a headquarters under the water, like a lake.

Sokka: Wait! Remember what Joo Dee said? She said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai.

Jet: (jumping to his feet) That's it! Lake Laogai.

- - -

The group now stands on the edge of the shore of Lake Laogi.

Sokka: So where's this secret headquarters?

Jet: (scratching his head) Under the lake I think.

Toph: (pointing to her right) There's a tunnel right there near the shore.

She walks that direction, whistling. Reaching the water's edge Toph jumps up in an earth bending move, and a stone pathway rises to the surface. She walks along it to a stone disc, which she bends aside. Everyone peers down into the dark shaft, and Momo flies away chittering nervously. From the depths of the shaft, we see a narrow ladder leads up to the tiny circle of light where the heroes stand, far above. The assembled group cautiously descends a dark stairway to the main chamber.

Jet: (leading the group) It's all starting to come back to me.

Jet edges quietly to a partially opened door, then moves on, followed by the others. As they peer inside in turn, they see rows of identically dressed young women standing hypnotically before a Dai Li agent.

Dai Li Agent: I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.

Joo Dees: (in perfect unison) I'm Joo Dee. Welcome to Ba Sing Se.

Dai Li Agent: We are so lucky to have our walls to create order.

Joo Dees: (in perfect unison) We are so lucky to have our walls to create order.

Jet: (once more leading) I think there might be a cell big enough to hold Appa up ahead. (he stops before a sealed stone door) I think it's through here.

He slides the door open. Inside is a massive shadowy cavern. Far The heroes cautiously enter, and the stone door abruptly slides shut behind them. They spin around in surprise, as the room is plunged into darkness, then green lanterns flare to life, illuminating the vast cave. Only now do they notice the Dai Li high above them, suspended from chains or clinging to the ceiling itself. Ahead, Long Feng waits with several more Dai Li.

Sokka: (as everyone stares up) Now that's something different.

Long Feng: (grimly) You have made yourselves enemies of the state. Take them into custody.

The Dai Li drop down to the floor, encircling the heroes. Two agents launch a stone fist attack, but Toph disintegrates them in mid-flight. As the dust clears, she launches them across the room with a pair of rock pillars.

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