The Avatar returns

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Caleb walks out of the village in front of Elda.

Elda: I can't believe I actually started to trust you, you Fire Nation scum.

Caleb: I'm telling you, this wasn't me.

Elda: Save it.

He looks over to see fire nation ship sailing closer.

Caleb: This isn't gonna be good.

Elda: We already drove one outsider out of our village today, and now a second. We just can't trust you people from out there.

The ship speeds up and cuts through the ice, stopping when it reaches the wall of the village.

Caleb: Elda, let me help you.

Elda: No way!

Caleb: Please.

Elda: The answer is no!

The front of the ship tilts down, allowing a group of fire benders to walk out with... Prince Zuko?!

Caleb: No... Not him. Anyone but him.

Zuko: Where are you hiding him?

Zuko surveys the crowd of villagers, who fall completely silent. Without warning, he extends his arm out into the crowd and grabs Kanna, holding her by the hood of her parka.

Zuko: (shaking Kanna, annoyed) He'd be about this age, master of all elements?

He shoves Kanna forcefully back into the crowd. The elderly woman shudders in fear and embraces Katara, while Katara shoots an angry glare at Zuko. Receiving no response, Zuko swings his arm out and releases an arc of fire that passes just over the heads of the people, causing them to cover their heads and cry out in fear.

Zuko: (angrily) I know you're hiding him!

Sokka runs over and picks up his club, most of his war paint having come off at this point. He lets out another battle cry as he charges toward the prince. Zuko swiftly turns around just as Sokka approaches. He ducks under Sokka's wide swing and hurls the warrior forward. Sokka lands on his rear in the snow and is quickly forced to dart from his spot when Zuko fires a blast at him. He spins to the side and tosses his boomerang at the enemy who barely manages to miss getting hit by the weapon. Zuko growls and glares at Sokka in anger at the near hit; he follows the course of the weapon until it vanishes before looking back at Sokka in anger. One of the village boys tosses Sokka a spear.

Boy: Show no fear!

Sokka handily catches the weapon and charges at Zuko once more. Zuko breaks of pieces of the spear with his forearms, then pulls the remains of the weapon out of Sokka's hands and pokes him thrice in the head with the blunt end. Sokka falls to the ground as Zuko snaps the spear in two and tosses the pieces to the ground on both of his sides. Sokka rubs his head in pain. A sparkle of light shines briefly in the distance and Sokka's boomerang spins into view, unnoticed by Zuko. The weapon strikes Zuko on the back of his helmet with a loud cling; he is momentarily pushed forward by the unexpected blow. Zuko rearranges his helmet and growls at Sokka. The boomerang has plummeted into the ground in front of Sokka's feet. Enraged, Zuko readies two fire daggers.

All of a sudden, riding in on an Otter Penguin, Aang takes Zuko's feet out from under him. He spins around a few times before coming to a halt in front of his men, his helmet landing on his rear as they watch. Quickly thereafter, Caleb rushes in and sends a fire bender to the ground with a kick. Villagers cheer as Aang rides speedily toward them, still mounted on the penguin. Aang comes to a halt before Kanna, Katara, and Sokka. The penguin crawls out from under him, tossing him off. Aang falls on his rear, blinking stupidly. Aang smiles at the penguin when the animal quacks at him before waddling away as Caleb walks over to the group.

Toph Beifong x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now