The Crossroads of Destiny part 1

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Iroh is cooking at a stove. Zuko, still groggy from sleep, enters from another room.

Zuko: What's that smell?

Iroh is stirring a thick white paste in a steaming pot.

Iroh: (doubtfully) It's jook. I'm sure you wouldn't like it.

Zuko bows over the pot, inhaling, as Iroh steps back.

Zuko: (pleasantly) Actually, it smells delicious. I'd love a bowl, Uncle.

The banished Prince picks up and holds out a bowl.

Iroh: (suspicious) Now that your fever is gone, you seem different somehow.

Iroh ladles some joke into the proffered bowl.

Zuko: (optimistically) It's a new day. We've got a new apartment, new furniture, and today's the grand opening of your new tea shop. Things are looking up Uncle.

Zuko moves to the table and kneels as he speaks, sipping from the bowl and looking out an open window. Iroh's concerned look melts into a pleased smile at his nephew's new attitude.

Caleb: They sure are, aren't they?

Zuko turns around in surprise to see Caleb standing in the doorway. He quickly gets up and goes to hug his cousin.

Zuko: It's good to see you.

Caleb: You too.

Zuko backs up and returns to the table with Caleb as Iroh brings two more bowls of jook.

Zuko: You guys haven't left yet?

Caleb: I thought you said you wouldn't tell him we're here?

Iroh: I didn't. He found one of your flyers.

Zuko: Wait a second, what're you talking about? You knew they were here the entire time?

Iroh: The two of us met on his brother's birthday at the place he died. We didn't see it fit to tell you or his team that the other was here when that was the circumstance upon which we met.

Caleb: Plus, we don't wanna fight each other. But we figured if you and Aang and all the others were told, we'd have to.

Iroh: I'm sorry for lying to you, Zuko.

Zuko: No, I understand. So what're you still doing here, Caleb?

Caleb: Well, we took down someone seeking absolute power over the city, found out he had intercepted letters for us, and now Katara's meeting with the Earth King's military, Sokka's off with the Water Tribe military, Toph's visiting her mom here in Ba Sing Se, and Aang's off at an Air Temple doing Avatar stuff. Did dad ever tell you about Toph and me?

Zuko: The little earth bender girl? You two are dating?

Caleb: She's short, but she's only two years younger than me. And yes, we are.

Zuko: That's great.

Caleb: So until the Earth King's council has decided on a plan to attack the Fire Nation and Aang's finished whatever he's doing, Katara, Toph, and I are here in Ba Sing Se. I'm actually gonna go and find her in a bit, sit down and talk with her mom and all that stuff.

Iroh: Sounds like fun.

Caleb: Honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. Too much pressure.

Zuko: You'll be fine. You're a good guy, I'm sure she'll like you.

Caleb: Yeah, well, last time I talked to her, she hated me because I was Fire Nation. I'm not looking forward to this second time around. I think I should probably be going. (gets up, leaving his weapons on the table) I'll stop by the tea shop later, though.

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