The Drill part 1

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Katara, Sokka, Caleb, and Toph escort Than and his family out of a rocky pass toward the base of the great wall. As they pause, Aang and Momo swoop into view from the direction of the wall. Aang lands before them, Momo perching on his shoulder.

Katara: Aang, what are you doing here? I thought you were looking for Appa?

Aang: I was, but something stopped me. Something big.

- - -

Aang and Toph are jointly bending a rock platform up the face of the wall, lifting them all upwards.

Sokka: (as platform ascends) Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?

Aang: That.

Everyone looks over to see a massive drill approaching the wall, a Fire Nation insignia on its top.

Caleb: No... Not again...

Ying: (despairingly) We made it to Ba Sing Se, and we're still not safe. No one is.

Than and his family huddle together.

Earthbender Guard: (from behind) What are you people doing here? Civilians aren't allowed on the wall.

Aang: (looking determined) I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever's in charge.

- - -

They now stand at an area atop the outer wall where a roof is supported by tall arches. An Earth Kingdom general waits seated at a desk.

General Sung: (smiling) It is an honor to welcome you to the outer wall young Avatar, but your help is not needed.

Aang: Not needed?

General Sung: (smugly) Not needed. I have the situation under control. I assure you the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded.

The general rises as he speaks, leading the group back out towards an open area of the wall manned by soldiers standing near large stacks of boulders. Nothing lies beyond the outer face but barren wastes, while a patchwork of fertile fields grows behind it.

Toph: What about the Dragon of the West? He got in.

General Sung: (startled) Well...uh...technically yes. But he was quickly expunged. (more confidently) Nevertheless, that is why the city is named Ba Sing Se. It's the impenetrable city. They don't call it Na Sing Se. (belly laughs, then becomes serious) That means penetrable city.

Toph: Yeah, thanks for the tour, but we still got the drill problem.

General Sung: (pacing back to look out over wastes) Not for long. To stop it, I've sent an elite platoon of earthbenders called the Terra Team.

Sokka: (thoughtfully) That's a good group name, very catchy.

The Terra Team launches its assault on the Fire Nation forces. They propel one of the tanks into the air, then ride a surge of earth through the gap left in the tank's formation.

Terra Team Leader: Ready... Attack!

The earth benders try to wedge several large pillars of stone against the side of the Drill, but it shatters them effortlessly. The Terra Team barely manages to raise a defensive shield against a barrage of Mai's throwing knives. Mai and Ty Lee rappel down the side of the Drill toward them. Nimbly avoiding their earth bending attacks, Ty Lee leaps in amongst them and begins delivering a flurry of pressure-point attacks. One by one the members of the Terra Team drop helplessly at her feet.

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