The Chase part 2

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Toph however does not, she enters earth bending stance and stomps the ground once as Caleb looks at her, waiting, Ignis on his shoulder. A large wall of earth rises up to block the path. Azula moves her right arm under herself while blue electricity sparkles around it, then brings her left arm over and across her chest. She releases a blast of lightning which destroys a portion of the wall which the girls ride through to continue their pursuit.

Katara, Momo, and Aang are already in the saddle, Sokka is on the ground holding his sleeping bag, Toph remains at the edge of the rock looking in amazement. Mai raises her left arm and releases four arrows from her wrists. Caleb grabs her by wrapping his arm around her waist and shoots a powerful blast of fire, propelling them into the air. The arrows burn in the flame as they both land in the saddle.

Aang: Appa, yip yip!

Appa begins to fly upwards. He flies away from the hill just as a blast of blue fire emerges from the smoke cloud Caleb's fire bending created. Azula has her right arm pointing up, her middle and index fingers extended. She lowers her arm and looks on as they fly away into the night. Everyone leans against various things as Toph replaces her head onto Caleb's chest, Ignis sitting in her lap.

Katara: I can't believe those girls followed us all the way from Omashu.

Toph: I still think we could've taken them.

Katara: Are you kidding? The crazy blue fire bending and the flying daggers are bad enough, but last time we saw them one of those girls did something that took my bending away. That's scary.

Sokka: Oh no, the sun is rising! We've been up all night with no sleep.

Aang: Sokka, we'll be okay.

Sokka: (speaking desperately, he makes erratic arm movements and crazy facial expressions) Are you sure!? I've never not slept before! What if I fall asleep now and something happens? And something always happens!

Katara: Every time we land, those girls are there, so we'll just have to keep flying.

Aang: We can't keep flying forever.

Aang: (yawns) So, what's the plan?

Toph: Don't know... too tired to think.

Katara: I'm sure we'll come up with something after a short nap.

Sokka: Yes! Sleep!

Suddenly, everyone begins to float into the sky. Then they realize; Appa is falling. Caleb uses one hand to hang on to one of the loops in Appa's saddle while the other grabs Toph's hand, Momo clinging to her foot.

Toph: (shouting) What's going on!

Aang: Appa fell asleep!

The kids try desperately to keep from falling away from him; Katara holds her brother's hand as he grips the bags. They all scream loudly. Sokka pulls his sister closer to him and she grabs his chest and holds on tight. Aang crawls down Appa's forehead to look him in the eyes.)

Aang: Wake up, buddy!

The bison stops abruptly in his fall at the top of a tree line. Everyone stops falling, and they cling to the saddle but are almost blown out of the saddle as the bison races forward. Appa crashes through trees as he tries to slow down. Everyone braces for impact as Appa crashes into the ground.

Appa's fallen asleep again. Aang slides down off the bison's head and walks away slowly.

Aang: Appa's exhausted.

Sokka and Katara walk away from Appa with their sleeping bags.

Sokka: Okay, we've put a lot of distance between us and them. The plan now is to follow Appa's lead and get some sleep.

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