The Library part 3

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The center of the symbol slowly rolls to the side, creating an opening, revealing the fox sitting behind it. It makes a small whimper when it sees the kids enter.

Caleb: Thanks, little guy.

The room is dome-shaped and on the walls are painted mountains, clouds, and the sky. The whole area is dark, illuminated only by the light from outside the door. The group walks towards a large stone pedestal standing there. The fox pushes a lever next to the pedestal. The false sky fills with stars, all revolving. Sokka, Katara, Aang, Caleb, and Momo all look up with wonder, the light of the stars passing over them.

Professor Zei: This room is a true marvel. A mechanical wonder! (places his hands on his head and smiles) It's a planetarium that shows the heavens moving.

Sokka: Uh, this is beautiful, but, how is it helpful?

The pedestal has a slightly domed top, and circling it are different symbols. There is a yin-yang in the center. The outmost symbols depict animals. Zei walks on screen from the left and begins examining the pedestals.

Katara: Maybe these dials represent dates and times. (points to the dials) Sokka, try entering that date from the parchment you took.

Sokka: Shh! Katara! (places his hand in front of his mouth and begins whispering, eyeing the fox warily) Not in front of the fox, he's with the owl.

The fox lowers its head and puts its ears back, whimpering dejectedly. Sokka slightly raises the burned parchment out from his bag, examines it and adjusts the dials. He pushes the lever forward the machine begins to operate.

Aang: Wow, I gotta hand it to you Sokka. You picked the best mini-vacation, for sure.

The sky changes back to day, and the room suddenly becomes dimmer. The moon symbol is in the sky.

Katara: Hey wait, what happened to the sun?

Aang: Great, you must have broken it.

Sokka: It's not broken. The sun is behind the moon, it's a solar eclipse! It's literally the darkest day in Fire Nation history. Now I get it! (grabs Aang by the shoulders and turns him) Something awful happened on that day, I don't know what, but I do know why.

Zei is writing in his notebook and Katara watches as Sokka shakes Aang.

Caleb: Us fire benders lose our bending during a solar eclipse!

Katara: That makes sense. I mean, think of what the lunar eclipse at the North Pole did to the water benders. This is huge.

The sound of the fox whimpering is heard. The fox at Sokka's feet whimpers and raises both its front paws, as a dog would when it begs for a treat. Sokka smiles as he looks at the fox.

Sokka: Fine, you earned it.

Sokka pulls a treat from his bag and throws it to him. The fox catches it in his mouth and runs off.

Sokka: We've got to get this information to the Earth King at Ba Sing Se. We'll wait for the next eclipse, then we'll invade the Fire Nation when they're totally helpless. The Fire Lord is goin' down!

Sokka raises his fist in triumph and grins. The smile is quickly replaced by a frown as a dark shadow loom over Sokka. Wan Shi Tong approaches them. Sokka turns around to see the knowledge spirit.

Wan Shi Tong: Mortals are so predictable. And such terrible liars. You betrayed my trust. From the beginning, you intended to misuse this knowledge for evil purposes.

Sokka: You don't understand. (raises fist) If anyone's evil, it's the Fire Nation. You saw what they did to your library. They're destructive and dangerous. We need this information.

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