Caleb's tail in Ba Sing Se

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Caleb, Katara, Aang, and Sokka stand in front of a mirror. Katara puts her hair into loops, Aang shaves his head, Sokka uses his machete to shave his face, and Caleb uses his fire bending to burn off all unnecessary hair. He quickly grabs his bag and moves out of the bathroom and into the living room. He opens up a book acting as a planner. When he looks at the date, he sighs.

Caleb: Today's the day. At least I'm in Ba Sing Se now.

Sokka: Hey!

He looks up to see Sokka walking towards him.

Sokka: Why the long face?

Caleb: No reason.

Sokka: If you say so. Anyway, Toph and Katara are heading to a spa or something and Aang's going out to look for Appa. Wanna do some sword training with me?

Caleb: Actually... Level with me here, Sokka. You had Yue before... Well, all that, and now you've got Suki. And I'm pretty sure even Ty Lee is into you. How do you get so many girls to like you?

Sokka: (sitting down on the arm of the chair) What's this about? Oh, is it-

Caleb: Yeah.

Sokka: I figured. Honestly, I don't know. If you couldn't already see, I'm not exactly a perfect specimen, and I'm kind of a fool most of the time. So... I guess I'm just honest.

Caleb: What do you mean?

Sokka: Just be yourself. From what I can tell, you don't need to win her over or anything, she's already there.

Caleb: I know, it's just... I wanna do something special for her.

Sokka: Well, you could make her something special.

Caleb: But I can't make anything with fire bending.

Sokka: Yeah, but you're not just a fire bender. You've got plenty of other talents as well. Like your metal-working skills. You forged that sword, didn't you?

Caleb: Yeah, I did.

Sokka: Then I'm sure you can forge some cool thing to give to her. You're an engineer, and engineers solve problems. Solve this one.

Caleb: You're right. Thanks for the help.

Sokka begins walking off as Caleb pulls out a notebook and a pencil and begins sketching ideas. He looks over his shoulder and smiles before continuing out of the room.

- - -

It's reached midday now. Caleb is walking down the road, heading into the outer wall. As he's walking, he sees Toph and Katara, now in makeup.

Caleb: She looks nice. Hey, Toph, Katara!

Toph: (stopping in front of him) Oh, hey Caleb. Didn't see you there.

She grins a little as Caleb chuckles.

Caleb: So, you two just get done with a spa day?

Katara: Mhm. Got makeup and everything. Whaddya think?

Caleb: You look nice, Katara. And Toph, you look beautiful.

Toph: (blushing) R-Really?

Caleb: Of course. You always look beautiful. The makeup just adds a little to it.

Toph: Wow... Uh, thanks.

Caleb: Just telling the truth.

Toph blushes even more and begins muttering to herself, walking away from Caleb and Katara a little way. Katara leans up to whisper into Caleb's ear.

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