The Puppetmaster part 2

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Hama: I was stolen from my home. It was over 60 years ago when the raids started. They came again and again, each time, rounding up more of our Waterbenders, and taking them captive. We did our best to hold them off, but our numbers dwindled as the raids continued. Finally, I too was captured. I was led away in chains. The last Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe.

Katara walks up to Hama and puts her hands on Hama's shoulders consolingly.

Hama: They put us in terrible prisons here in the Fire Nation. I was the only one who managed to escape.

Sokka: How did you get away? And why did you stay in the Fire Nation?

Hama: I'm sorry. It's too painful to talk about anymore.

Katara: We completely understand. We lost our mother in a raid.

Hama: (patting Katara's hand) Oh, you poor things.

Aang and Sokka lower their heads solemnly. Caleb stands and faces Hama from his spot at the table.

Caleb: I am so very sorry. As I am born of the Fire Nation, I feel it is my responsibility to apologize to you. I swear, I will do everything I can to make things right.

Hama smiles at him.

Hama: Thank you, young man.

Katara: I can't tell you what it means to meet you. It's an honor, you're a hero.

Hama: I never thought I'd meet another Southern water bender. I'd like to teach you what I know, so you can carry on the Southern Tradition when I'm gone.

Katara: (excitedly) Yes, yes of course! To learn about my heritage, it would mean everything to me.

- - -

That night, as Caleb is sleeping, his door creaks open. He slowly opens his eyes to see Hama moments before she grabs his hands and ties them together. She then quickly places a cloth over his mouth to prevent him from screaming. She further binds him before hearing the bowl on the dresser shake. She quickly grabs it, squeezing the lid down so whatever's inside can't get out. She then drags Caleb, who is struggling, out the door and into the forest. Then up the mountain and into a cave. She opens a door, revealing many other people trapped inside in shackles. There is a corner filled with bones as well. She shackles him to a wall before removing the cloth covering his mouth.

Caleb: Why are you doing this?!

She sets the bowl down, placing a rock on top of the lid.

Caleb: Answer me!

Hama silently walks out the door, away from all her prisoners, before closing it behind her.

Caleb: My friends will look for me, Hama! Toph will find me!

Woman: It's useless. Nobody will find us. We're trapped here until we starve.

Caleb lights a flame in his hands so he can see all the people around. He sees woman, men, children, the elderly. Hama doesn't seem to discriminate aside from country of origin. She only despises those of the Fire Nation.

Old Man: A Fire Bender!

Man: She hasn't captured a Fire Bender in a while. Help us escape!

Caleb: I'm sorry, I don't think there's much my bending can do. I can't cut things, and without a good source of heat that isn't my own, I don't think my flames will burn hot enough to melt the shackles. I'm so sorry.

They all look down in disappointment.

Caleb: But don't worry, my girlfriend will find us. I know she will. Just give it a bit of time.

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