Chapter 110

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A/N: Another long chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Hailee's POV
The next morning I woke up with my head on Ash's chest, who had her arms wrapped around my body. I smiled to myself at the thought of us waking up like this every morning for the rest of our lives and nuzzled my face into Ash's neck, making her stirr a little.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said and kissed her jaw, making her tighten her grip on me.

"Morning." she mumbled and kissed my forehead.

"Happy first day of living together." I said, making her open her eyes. She smiled and pressed her lips onto mine, making me smile as well.

"I love you so much, baby." Ash said with a bright smile, making me blush.

"I love you too, babe, more than you know." I replied, pressing another kiss to her jaw. The moment was interrupted by Ash's phone ringing.

"Don't you dare." I said, as she was reaching for her phone.

"But, baby.. if I don't pick up, they'll just keep calling." Ash said and grabbed her phone, making me huff in defeat.

"Hey, Pez.. yeah we're awake.." Ash said and stroked my arm softly. "Sounds good, we just need to get dressed.." Ash continued. "No, not like that.. you're one to talk.. What do you mean..? We shared a damn wall..!" Ash huffed, making me chuckle, cause I could imagine what Perrie was saying on the other side. "Shut up, Pez.. Yeah, see you in an hour." Ash said and hung up the phone, before looking at me.

"What are you smiling about?" she asked with a light blush.

"You're just so damn cute." I replied and grabbed her chin, pulling her into a soft kiss.

"Thank you, baby. You're pretty cute yourself." she said and pecked my lips once more.

"So, what did Perrie want?" I asked.

"She and the girls are bringing breakfast in an hour." Ash replied and got out of bed. She picked out some clothes and got dressed in front of me. Let's just say that I couldn't help but stare at her, which she of course noticed, making her smirk.

"Stop staring and get dressed." she said and threw a shirt at me.

"Fine, but I should probably wear a bra too." I said with a smirk, making her laugh, before throwing a bra at me as well.


We both got dressed and walked downstairs, where we made some coffee and tea for when the girls would arrive. When we finished with that, we cuddled up on the couch and waited for the girls.

There was a knock on the door and Ash quickly got up to get it, she opened the door and greeted the girls.

"Welcome to my home." Ash said, making all the girls chuckle, just as I came over to them.

"I think you mean our home." I said with a smirk, making Ash blush.

"I like the sound of that." Ash said and pecked my check, making the girls 'awww' at us.

"Let's eat, I'm starving." Jade said, as the girls made their way into the apartment with the food. Ash threw me a look, making me smirk, cause I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"What's with you?" Leigh Anne asked and looked between me and Ash.

"Oh nothing." Ash answered with a shrug, making me giggle.

"Don't think you can just hide something. What is it? Spit it out." Jade said.

"Just the fact that you said the word 'starving'.." Ash said with a smirk.

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