Chapter 103

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Ash's POV
"Babe, wake up." I heard Hailee say softly, before kissing my forehead, making me open my eyes slowly.

"Morning." I mumbled, my voice still very raspy from sleeping.

"Good morning, baby. We need to get ready." she said and pecked my cheek, before getting out of the bed. She picked out some clothes and started to get dressed, while I rubbed the last bit of sleep out of my eyes. I got dressed as well, before going into the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and did my hair.

When I came downstairs, I saw Hailee by the door, putting her jacket and shoes on, I quickly did the same.

"Ready?" Hailee asked with a smile.

"Almost.." I mumbled and pulled her by her neck, down into a sweet kiss, before releasing her lip with a pop, making her blush hard.

She grabbed my hand and led me out the door, down into her car, before driving off.
"We're gonna get some breakfast on the way." Haiz said and placed her free hand on top of mine, making me smile.


We got some food, before driving to the studio. We parked the car and went inside the building. She grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together, before leading me into the studio.

"Hey, guys." Hailee said, as we walked into the room.

"Good morning, Hailee." A man, with brown messy hair, said and smiled.

"Let me introduce you guys to my girlfriend, guys this is Ash." Haiz said and squeezed my hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ash. My name is Anton, but you can call me Zedd or Z." The brown haired dude said with a smile. I smiled back at him, just as two guys who looked a lot alike came over to us.

"Hi my name is Kyle, and this is my brother Michael." One of them said and they both smiled, and I of course smiled back.

"Hello I'm Darren, I'm the director." Another dude said and shook my hand.

"And I'm the producer, my name is Nathan." the last guy said with a smile, which I returned.

"Now that everybody is introduced, let's get started." Hailee said and led me over to a couch, where I sat down.

They got everything ready to record, before Hailee went into the booth and started singing. A smile immediately crept onto my face, when I heard her angelic voice, singing the song she had written for me. Memories flooded my brain, about the time she ran out of the bathroom to write a lyric down, not long after our first time.

I smiled like an idiot as I thought about our first kiss.. our first date.. when she asked me to be hers.. when we told the girls.. when I met her family.. when she first ever texted me.. our first hug.. the first time she protected me from a storm.. us cuddling while watching Glee.. the time I sang 'I Love You' to her.. and all the little moments in between.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when the music stopped. I locked eyes with Hailee, who had the cutest smile on her face, as she took her headphones off, exited the booth and came over to me.

"That was fantastic." I said as she pulled me into her embrace.

"Really? You seemed like you spaced out for a moment." Hailee said with a smirk.

"That is because I was thinking about us.. All our firsts.." I whispered the last part, so only she heard, making her smirk even more.


During the next couple of hours, the team kept working on the song, while I sat quietly and watched them.

"I think we're done." Darren said with a satisfied smile.

"Cool, I'll announce the news on my insta." Haiz said and pulled out her phone. She filmed around the room, making sure to point Zedd and Grey out, as well as saying the release date, before posting it on her instagram. The song was gonna drop the following weekend.


When they were completely finished, Hailee and I went back to her car. We drove home and walked Martini, before getting settled on the couch, where we watched some Glee.

That evening we ordered some takeout and ate while watching a movie, before going back to cuddling. We ended up watching another movie, before we eventually headed to bed.

"Goodnight, babe. I love you so much." Hailee said and ran her fingers through my hair softly.

"I love you too, baby. Sleep tight." I said and nuzzled my face into her neck, pressing a light kiss to it, before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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