Chapter 77

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Hailee's POV

After dropping my parents off at their hotel, Ash and I went back to her apartment. We parked the car and went on a quick walk with Martini, before heading inside. Ash went upstairs with the keys to Leigh, while I unpacked Martini's stuff. I was filling Martini's water bowl, when Ash came through the front door. She came into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"Hello." she said, before letting me go. I turned with a smile and placed Martini's bowl on the floor.

"Hi." I said and pulled her in for a kiss. We went into the living room and cuddled up on the couch, with Martini next to us. Just as we were about to put a movie on, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ash called out, and in came Perrie.

"Hey guys." Pez said with a bright smile on her face.

"Sup?" I said and hugged Ash tighter.

"Could I borrow some sugar? I'm baking." Perrie asked.

"Of course, take whatever you need." Ash answered with a smile. Perrie went into the kitchen, before coming back with a packet of sugar in her hands.

"You guys look so cute." Pez said and snapped a picture of us.

"Send me that, would you?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course, see you guys. Thanks for the sugar." Perrie said and headed out the door. A couple of minutes later, my phone buzzed, I smiled at the cute picture.

"Did you realize that our one year anniversary is next week?" Ash said all of the sudden, making me go wide eyed.

"Shoot that's right. What do you wanna do?" I asked and kissed the top of her head.

"I don't know.. We could just have a date night here." she said and smiled up at me.

"Sure.. I love you." I said, stroking her cheek softly.

"I love you too." she said and pulled me, by my neck, into a loving kiss.

"I was thinking.." I started with a blush.

"What?" she asked with a smirk.

"Would you mind if I posted the picture on my instagram?" I asked, shyly.

"Not at all, I just figured you wanted to keep me a secret, for the sake of your career." she said, making my heart shatter a little.

"Babe, I don't wanna keep you a secret. I want the whole entire world to know that you're mine and only mine. The reason I didn't want people to know before, was because I wanted some privacy. Paparazzi can be a real bitch. So as long as it's okay with you, I would like to tell the world." I explained, before giving her a light kiss.

"I would like that." she said with the cutest blush, before leaning in for yet another kiss.

I posted the picture on instagram, with the caption "Mine <3" and it didn't take long for the likes and comments to come. Ash leaned against my shoulder and we both looked through the comments.

"Your fans seem to be excited." Ash said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm glad that they're being supportive." I said and kissed her forehead.

"So, are you gonna talk about it on The Tonight Show tomorrow?" Ash asked. I was scheduled to appear on 'The Tonight Show' the next day. Jimmy Fallon had agreed to do the show from the UK for a while, since there were a few british celebrities that didn't have the opportunity to come to America.

"Only if it's okay with you." I said with a soft smile.

"Of course." she said and returned the smile, before kissing my cheek softly.

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