Chapter Nineteen

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The trip back to white run had been a long one, though not as long as it took to get there. Compared to the first part of the journey, it was uneventful.
"I just want to sleep for three days strait..." Vilkas groaned as they went through the main gate of the city. The sun was going down and torches and lamps around the city were beginning to be lit.
Maris closed her eyes and lifted her head into the wind.  She took a deep breath of cool air. 
"It's good to be back home!" She exclaimed.  She pulled her hood down and the breeze tugged at her long white hair. Vilkas looked away, his cheeks burning. Every little thing made him nervous and his heart beat faster and it was just getting worse. When he woke up, looking up Into Maris' deep blue eyes, he thought he was dreaming... she actually seemed concerned... despite everything, the bandits, the secrets, the death, the danger and the drama, he wouldn't of dreamt of being with any one else.

It seemed like years since they had been back. It was a nostalgic and satisfying feeling. The two came to a stop at the base of the stairs that lead up to jorvaskr and looked up at the mead hall.
"With how long we've been away I had almost expected it to be different." Maris shrugged.
"Um... Maris?..." Vilkas muttered. Maris turned and gave him a quizzical look.
"You actually addressed me by my name..." She exclaimed, putting the back of her hand to Vilkas' forehead.
"What are you doing?!" Vilkas growled, swatting her hand away.
"Checking if you have a fever, you must be delirious." She smirked.
"Hah a, very funny snow back." Vilkas snarled sarcastically.
"So, get on with it, what did you want to say?" She asked.
"I just wanted to say thank you... I know that there are a hundred other things you would have rather done but I am forever grateful to you and it's a possibility that I may not hate you." He said begrudgingly. "Not that much anyway"
"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me... and... you're not to bad yourself... I'm glad I could help." She smiled warmly.  " And if there is anything else you need..."
"Thank you ." Vilkas smiled in return.
"it's just what a good Harbinger should do." She said. They exchanged glances for a moment.
"...We... should probably go inside..." Vilkas said finally.
"Yea... I told them we'd be back today. They'll be wondering where we've gotten to..."
Vilkas nodded and followed Maris up the stairs to the mead hall. She had changed back into her wolf armor because, of course, the companions didn't know half of the things that Vilkas did. Still she wore a grey hooded cloak that waved in the breeze. She was a mysterious creature to say the least and he couldn't help but wonder what else she may be hiding. Though he was sure it was allot and he was sure it was far darker then he could possibly imagine. Yet he still found himself in love with her. That was something he was scared to admit to himself but he couldn't tell himself he didn't.  He had tried but couldn't convince himself otherwise.

As Maris opened the door to the mead hall, she was hit with the heat of the room. She had never liked the heat but the warmth was oddly comforting. As they entered they both looked across the hall. It was bustling with activity and the merry making of the other companions. Many tipped their mugs to the two and shouted their welcomes above the buzz of the bard's songs. Maris' eyes fell upon the tables where Farkas was stood. Sat beside him on the table was a young woman. A new face among the companions but seemed already at home at jorvaskr. 
"What in Nocturnal's name is she doing here..." Maris muttered coldly to herself.
Vilkas followed her eye line and his gaze fell upon the woman. She was a beautiful young warrior with shoulder length, jet black hair. She had soft, slightly tanned skin. Her lips where a deep red and her cheeks where freckled. She had a scar running from her chin, over the corner of her lip and stopping beneath her shining blue eyes. Her eyes flicked away from Farkas and towards the two.  Her eyes brightened more and she stood up with a bounce.
"Maris!" She exclaimed in a voice that seemed to flow like a song of long forgotten heroes.
"I'm not even surprised that you know her..." Vilkas sighed. Maris snarled, showing her gleaming white fangs as the woman wrapped her arms around Maris. She didn't hug back,  just clenched her fists and tensed up.
"Harbinger... you know the dragonborn?" Farkas exclaimed.
"...and the dragonborn's your friend... you really are something nightwalker." Vilkas sighed, shaking his head.
"She is not my friend!" Maris snapped.
The woman pulled away and smiled.
"We're sisters!" She exclaimed sweetly.
"What!" Vilkas and Farkas spluttered in unison. 
" You and Farkas arn't the only twins in skyrim you know." She smirked.
"Wait, you're what!" Farkas exclaimed.
"Alright... I may be getting a little surprised." Vilkas muttered.
Maris let out a threatening growl.
"What are you doing here Alaris..." She hissed.
"After what Farkas had told me on our adventures, I'd always wanted to visit the companions and when i found out that you were the Harbinger, i decided it was time." Alaris chirped.
"Well you've visited, now you can leave." Maris sneered.
"Nonsense!" Alaris exclaimed. "I still have yet to meet everyone... speaking of which, you never mentioned you had such a handsome friend!"
She looked past Maris to where Vilkas was standing.
"And you also never mentioned that you had such a charming sister." Vilkas smirked.
Maris' lip curled in disgust. "I'm going to my office and tell anyone if they disturb me, it's at their own risk." She hissed. "Vilkas, come with me."
"What? Why!" Vilkas growled.
"I know what you're like around a pretty face. " Maris muttered,  grabbing him by the arm. With that, Maris lead him away and they disappeared into the lower levels of jorvaskr.

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