Chapter Fourteen

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        Vilkas soon found himself staring at a quite odd looking older couple. These where Maris' parents? The man was a tall, slim wood elf with yellowish skin and fair hair. His wife, who Maris had explained was not her mother, was a dark elf with long, jet black hair. Maris had explained to him that she was part wood elf, though her mother was a Breton,  which explained her size and pointed ears. After her mother had died, her father remarried the dark elf and they had a child, Maris' half brother, Altier.  She certainly had a complex family tree to say the least. Her father put her hand out to shake Vilkas'.
"So your the man my daughter chose? You must be quite something if it was enough to keep her here." He smiled, shaking his hand. Vilkas didn't quite know what to say.
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." He said. Maris was constantly watching him from the corner of her eye, as if she was expecting him to slip up and ruin the masquerade.
"What a gentleman. " Her stepmother cooed. "And so handsome."
Vilkas stepped to the side to show Babbette standing between them.
"This is our daughter, Babbette." He smiled. This smiling was not comfortable. Why was he doing this? Maris raised an eyebrow, impressed at his initiative.
"Well arn't you a darling little thing!" The step mother cooed.
"Thank you ma'am." Babbette said sweetly. Maris took Vilkas hand in hers. As she stood closer, Vilkas could smell the perfume she wore. It was gentle and floury but couldn't mask the smell of blood that lingered around her. Though he doubted people would notice. Only wolves tended to pick up on things such as that. For some reason, having her so close made him uncomfortable. He felt his cheeks began to burn.
"Maris, could we speak with you privately for a moment?" Her father asked.
"Of course." She said. She turned to Vilkas and Babbette.  "I will be back in a moment."
She lent up and kissed Vilkas gently on the lips, something which he was not ready for. His heart skipped a beat. Before he could even process it, she had pulled away and planted a kiss on Babbette's forehead. She turned and followed her parents away, her dress flowing softly as she walked.

        Vilkas' eyes followed her. He blinked in disbelief and raised a hand to touch his lips. He knew it was part of the act but it had made him feel strange. Maris always caught him off guard. That infuriated him like nothing else.
"There was a story my mother used to tell me when I was a child. " Babbette said. He kept forgetting that this girl was a nightwalker. It still caught him off guard when she spoke so maturely.
"Which is?" He asked.
"it was called the hero and the shadow. It was about a young heroic woman who would hunt monsters. Until she fell in love with a necromancer." Babbette shrugged. 
"Are you trying to imply that I have fallen in love with a monster such as Maris?" Vilkas scoffed.
Babbette smirked. "Not at all!" She exclaimed in feigned innocence.  "take what you may from that nut i said nothing of the sort."
"Your a manipulative little runt, arn't you?" Vilkas growled.
"it's all part of my job."she shrugged.
"And I am not in love with that blood sucker!" Vilkas snarled.
"I have lived a long time, i tend to notice things like this." She said.
Vilkas grunted and folded his arms. There was no way that he could love her, he didn't even like her. She was a dark and cruel sinister night walker. Everything he hated, Maris was. He couldn't fall in love with someone like that. Never.
"Maris likes you allot." Babbette said plainly.  " She isn't the easiest to read so I don't know if it is love but she at least considers you a friend."
"Try telling that to her." Vilkas growled. "Besides, i wouldn't want someone like her to love me."

"Of course you wouldn't" Babbette said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Vilkas shot her a stern look. He definitely did not like this child. 

        As the crowd moved and shifted, Maris came into view. VIlkas raised an eyebrow and watched as her parents walked away. Maris grabbed a goblet of wine from one of the servants and waited for a moment. She produced a small vial of brown liquid from her sleeve and poured it into the cup. A wisp of purple smoke rose from in and Maris smirked. What was she planning now!? 

"Stay here," Vilkas said to Babbette. 

"Will do." She shrugged, leaning against one of the tables. 

Vilkas made his way towards Maris, sliding through the bustle of people. Just as Maris was slipping the vial back into her sleeve, Vilkas reached her. He grabbed her arm and yanked it away from her sleve. In her hand, was the bottle. 

"Are you planning on poisoning someone?" VIlkas growled.

"Why ever would you think that! I told you my intentions!" Maris hissed, pulling her arm away.

"If that isn't poison, then what is it?" He questioned.

"Concentrated blood essence!" She sneered. "Vampire remember!" 

"Can you blame me for not trusting you?" Vilkas snarled.

"You trusted me to heal the wound in your shoulder." She pointed out.

Vilkas went to argue back but couldn't think of a retort.

"Exactly what i thought." Maris smirked triumphantly. "Come on mutt, i want to speak to the Jarl." 

Vilkas growled but reluctantly followed close behind. 

        They had stayed at the White hall for a few more hours, speaking to the dignitaries, all of which seemed to know Maris. Her parents had also come to sit with them and talked for a while. It was pleasant enough but both Maris and Vilkas where glad to be out of there. Maris closed her eyes and breathed in a deep breath of cold night air. Her hair was blown softly out of her face and her dress was also wavering slightly 

"Thank Nocturnal that is over." She sighed, relieved. She opened her eyes and they fell onto Vilkas. "Don't get used to me saying kind things to you mutt... but thank you... You actually passed as slightly more noble then a dog."

"That was almost a compliment." Vilkas smirked crossing his arms. Maris returned the grin, her blue eyes sparkling. Her eyes seemed more soft then usual and Vilkas couldn't help but let his own eyes linger on them. They stayed that way for a moment, before Maris interjected.

"We are leaving early tomorrow, you should go and rest." Maris said, waving a dismissive hand. 

"And you?" He asked.

"I still have business to attend. Though i dont really mind if it means i can get out of this awfull dress." Maris groaned.

"i don't think it looks that bad..." Vilkas muttered.

Maris' eyes shot to him. A sly smile spread across her lips. "Was that a compliment i just heard! To think i would see the day." She smirked. Vilkas' eyes widened as he realized what he had actually just said.

Suddenly, his expression dropped and he scowled. "I was complimenting the dress, not you blood sucker." He growled.

Maris chuckled and shook her head. "Regardless, i want to thank you." She smiled. She planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Maybe you arn't as stuck up and pompous as i thought... though it is still is allot."

"um..." Vilkas spluttered, putting his hand to his cheek, that was now beginning to burn and turn pink.

"I'll see you tomorrow, main road first thing." Maris said as she went to walk away. Vilkas watched as she walked away. He would never understand that damn nightwalker...

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