Chapter Nine

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        Maris couldn't see, hear, smell, taste or feel anything. Things never went right when HE was around. Why was she not dead? The bandit was about to kill her... Unless Vilkas stopped him. But why would he save her? He's threatened to kill her before so why not just leave her to die? Slowly the world began to creep back in. She could hear someone breathing softly. The slight sent of blood began to fill her nose and the pain in her head became more pronounced. She groaned and opened her eyes.  She looked up to see a werewolf standing over her, its teeth dripping with drool and blood.Its big black nose steamed and its yellow eyes seemed to glow. Its brown fur was mattered with gore.

"Vilkas..." she whimpered. Maris looked around. They were no longer in the watch tower, instead, she had been gently placed by the stream. She looked back to Vilkas. His yellow eyes soft and pained. He hated becoming this thing. Loosing himself to the beast hurt him more then any blade ever could. Vilkas nuzzled his head against the side of her cheek. His fur was soft with a slightly Mossy smell. She ran her fingers through it. Why was the wolf being so affectionate towards her?... Had he transformed purely because of her?

"How long have I been unconscious...?" She asked herself. Vilkas pulled away and sat in front of her like a dog. He looked down at his paw, then back up to Maris. Slowly, he lifted his paw to show three massive claws.

"Three hours?!" Maris gasped.

Vilkas nodded. Maris groaned and put her hand to her head. Sharp pains ran through her body.  Vilkas lifted his paw and placed it on Maris' head comfortingly, taking extra care not to touch where the handle of the axe had hit her. Maris couldn't help but smirk. Vilkas tipped his head to one side, pulling the corners if his mouth up into an abstract smile. It was almost cute in a way. There was content in his eyes that Maris had never seen in him as a human. Why was him and his wolf so different?  The other companions regained their personalities when they shifted... But he didn't seen to.

Suddenly the sound of a twig breaking broke the science. Vilkas snapped to attention. He stood forward, stooping his shoulders, his nose crinkling into a threatening snarl.

"Vilkas, it's just a hare..." Maris said, patting his shoulder. Vilkas didn't seem to hear her. She put her hands to the sides of his face. "Vilkas... Vilkas look at me." She said, pulling his face so that their eyes met. "it's just a hare..."

Vilkas eyes softened and he straitened up. The snarl faded. Maris ruffled his fur.

"Why haven't you shifted back?" She asked softly.

Vilkas ears dropped and he whimpered. Maris raised an eyebrow.

"You can't can you?" She sighed. Vilkas shook his head slowly.

"Don't worry." She said, stroking his thick brown fur. "The wolf hasn't been out in a very long time... It might take a while."

Vilkas nodded in understanding.

"Don't you want to go for a run to expend some of your energy?" Maris asked.

Vilkas shook his head and laid down in her lap, his yellow eyes closing.Maris sighed and stroked his fur.

"You really are like a puppy" she sighed. Vilkas nuzzled his face into her lap. All she could do was wait until he finally changed back but after so many years of oppressing it, nocturnal only knows how long that would be.

        Vilkas' eyes flickered open. His head was heavy and numb. His hole body ached and he could taste blood on his tongue. He couldn't remember anything after Maris fell. Everything just went red. Where was he now?  He looked around. He was by a stream, covered with a fur blanket. The horses where tethered by the water and orbs of light lit the area from the darkening sky. Maris was sat beside him, her nose in some old tome. It was a journal of someone but the cover was slightly charred, the same could be said for the 3 in the grass beside her. He managed to make out a few fait letters but no the full name. 

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