Chapter Thirty

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I had been months since Maris had gone and Vilkas was defiantly feeling it. No one had heard word from her or Alaris since they had left and people where beginning to asume that both of the sisters where dead. Vilkas spent most of his time without really talking to anyone. He did his jobs, he trained but he never really felt engaged in what he did. As if he was lost somewhere in his own mind and his body was just going through the motions.
"There is a ball tonight and the companions are suppose to be in attendance." Aela said, leaning on the table beside Vilkas. Vilkas looked up from his book and furrowed his brow.
"I don't think so... I'm not much of a party person..." He mumbled. The last party he had been to was back in Dawnstar with Maris... that was over half a year ago now...
"I know that but we are suppose to be guarding it." Aela said.
"I suppose i have to then..." Vilkas grumbled. 
"It will be fun." Aela smiled. "There is a mystery guest of honor showing up also."
Vilkas sighed and stood up. "When do we have to be there?"  Vilkas asked.
"Two hours." Aela said.
"You know... I think it might actually do me some good to be in a cheer full environment." Vilkas smiled weakly.
"There's the spirit!" Aela smiled, clapping him on the back.

Maris got back to whiterun as it was going dark. She had her hood up and pulled low. In her travels back to whiterun she had heard many people already talking about the death of Aludin and the two sisters that had brought it. Thankfully they didn't really know what they looked like. She had to tread especially carefully in whiterun. EVERY ONE knew who she was because of the companions and both she and Alaris had promised Jarl Bulgruff that they would let him do a big reveal at a ball he was planning to hold. The last party she had gone to was with Vilkas... Would he even be at the ball? He was never one for parties. Vilkas was the first person she wanted to see when her and Alaris stepped before the crowd... and if he was being his usual antisocial self, that didn't seem like it was going to happen. She sighed as she walked towards Jorvaskr. Hopefully the companions would have left by then, presuming that they were acting as gaurd. Seeing jorvaskr in front of her was like when her and Vilkas had returned from their adventures but it was slightly different this time. This time she remembered it... not just from before her and Alaris departed but from when she was a child. Her and Alaris had gone to Soverngaurd to fight the world eater. It was filled with a great mist that covered the land. Defeating Aludin had cleared that mist and in turn, cleared the mist that fogged her Memory. It was  freedom and a freshness that was well welcomed. All those years she and Vilkas had spent together had come back to her. So had the memories of Dragon slaying with her sister and many of the years between them.  She walked up the stairs, her black cloak trailing behind her. Ah, home again. She smiled to herself just thinking of how people would react when they found out that she was back. As she approached the doors, she paused... She heard footsteps from inside...

She slipped into the shadow and immediately became invisible in the darkness. The door opened and out stepped to companions. A glimmer flashed across Maris eyes as she saw that one of them was Vilkas. Her heart rose in to her mouth and she let out a silent breath.

"No, everyone is already up there." Aela said, her formal armor gleaming in the dimming light as it hit its polished surface.

"Well this was sprung on me quite suddenly." Vilkas sighed. Maris went to stand forward but hesitated. Jarl bulgruff had made her promice not to reviel her self to ANYONE until it was time and if she was anything, she was a woman of her word. Besides, she was still covered in bandages and filth from traveling. She could wait for another hour or so, though it pained her more then the moths knowing that he is within reaching distance. She could literally reach out and touch him if she wanted to, which of course she did but she forced herself to turn away. All in good time... All in good time... she slipped through the door before it closed and disappeared into the lower halls.

Mairs sighed and watched from the balconies that looked over the main hall of dragonsreach. Her eyes on Vilkas the entire time. He seemed to be having just as much fun as her. She groaned and put her head on her arms. When would Bulgruff just get on with it!?
"I bet i can guess who you're looking for." Came a voice from behind her. She didn't look round, there was only one person who it could be.
"Yep..." Maris muttered.
"You really do love him..." Alaris said, joining her at her side. 
"Yes." Maris said bluntly.
"And you understand why i did what i did to push you apart?" Alaris muttered.
"You wanted to protect me against the big bad wolf. You've always been too over protective of me."  Maris sighed. "You were scared because of what happened when we were children... and you tried to push us apart." 
"And i couldn't... do you know how rare it is for me to not get what i want?" Alaris exclaimed. "You two have something very very special and i hope you know how lucky you are to have found that. You even have my blessings."
She smiled and placed a hand on her sisters shoulder. Maris looked up at her, imitating her smile.
"Thank you Alaris... That really means allot to me." She said sweetly. Maris looked down to the hall to watch  Vilkas, just to find that he had moved. Maris quickly scanned the room. He was heading to the door? Maris turned on her heals and went to follow.
"What are you doing?" Alaris called, quiet enough so that no one bellow would hear them. 
"He's leaving, i have to go and see him!" She said. "don't worry, ill be careful not to let anyone see me!" 
"You always are..." Alaris smiled.

Vilkas sighed. He tried. He had really tried to cheer up but he just wasn't having fun. Nothing seemed right without Maris. He should probably just leave before he brings anyone else down with him. He waited for a moment that Aela wasn't watching, knowing full well that she wouldn't just let him leave. He slipped out of the door and everything fell quiet as he closed it behind him. He took in a breath of cold night air and started to walk. He much preferred being outside. Especially at night. The sky always reminded him of Maris. The way that the stars shined against the darkness, just like her eyes. He just wanted to go home...
"Vilkas... Please don't leave..." Came a voice from behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks... He knew exactly who that voice belonged too.

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