'a dream of sovrngaurd'

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Maris slipped into jorvaskr rather quietly. It being mid day, there weren't many companions, though Kodlak was there. He looked down at the young girl who was accompanied by a frostbite spider.
"What in Hercines name have you got there girl?" He asked looking down at her unlikely companion.
"This is Hermes, he's my new pet." Maris smiled.
Kodlak chuckled. "You and your pets Maris." He sighed. I supposeyou're looking for Vilkas?"
"If you had seen him that would be helpful." Maris chirped.
"Down in the market place." Kodlak said. "He went to get more inks for his writing."
"Thank you very much Harbinger!"Shesmiled.
"It was my pleasure Maris." Kodlak smiled in return.

Maris slipped back out of the door and made her way down the steps away from Jorvaskr. As she got to the bottom she saw Vilkas round the corner holding an inkpalette, a bottle and a few books. Maris rushed up to him.
"Here, let me help! " She exclaimed.
"Thank you. " Vilkas smiled as she took the books from him. The top one she recognised instantly. It was a book Vilkas had read many a time and still continues to read. A dream of sovngarde. After much probing Maris had finally come to discover that because he had devoted his soul to Hircean, hewouldn't go to sovrngaurd which explained the interest.
"Don't let Farkas see Hermes, you know what he's like with spiders." Vilkas noted.
"I don't think we'll have to worry, I was going to sit out in the fields anyway." Maris grinned.
"I'll join you. "Vilkas smiled.

Maris laid down in the grass and sighed as the fresh smell of grass filled her nose. Vilkas laid with her, his head resting on her back.
" I was going to write but it seems a shame to when the weatherisalright, though it does look like rain. The ink would just smudge." Vilkas said, closing his eyes.
"Yea..." Maris sighed.
"Would you read to me instead?"
"What would you want me to read?" Vilkas asked.
"A tale of sovngarde. " Maris muttered. "You always seem to like it so much but I can't find a copy any where."
"You could have mine if you want." Vilkas shrugged.
"What, really?" Maris exclaimed.
"I could probably recite it by now." Vilkas chuckled. Maris scrambledto her feet.
"I want to read it right now!" She chirped. She hurried over to where the books where piled beside Hermes. Maris lifted the book but in doing so, accidently knocked the others. They slid and fell onto the sleeping spider.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Hermes!" Maris exclaimed, furring to move the books. Suddenly, the spider looked up at her it's eyes sharp and angry. Wild animals where always unpredictable...
"Hermes..." she whimpered. Suddenly, the spider lunged at her. She screamed and tried to hit it away but she had no weapons.
"Maris!" Vilkas exclaimed. Everything bubbled up within him at once, so fast that he couldn'tcontainIt. He couldn't stop it.

Maris was thrown backwards and landed harshly, she managed to hold the spider away from her face, only just.
"Hermes! Stop!" She pleased. Suddenly, a blur of brown fur swept across her vision, taking the spider with it. Maris shot up and looked over to where a werewolf was now hunched, ripping apart the hostile creature.
"Vilkas?"Maris muttered. Vilkas' head shot towards her, a threatening growl still on its lips.
"Shh... its alright... its dead..." she whispered, reaching her hand out gingerly to touch his fur. As she did, he seemed to calm. Maris fell to her knees to catch her breath and Vilkas cane and sat across from her.
"Thank you..." she smiled. The wolf nuzzled it's face against hers. That was when she noticed the wolf's markings. He was completely brown but with two darker patches over his eyes. Maris smirked. He was like a giant puppy. Suddenly Vilkas lifted his paw and looked down. He had put his paw in the ink pallet by accident. Maris giggled.
"Come here." She smiled, taking his paw and pressing it down on the pages In the back of a dream of sovngaurd. Vilkas looked quizzically down at it, then to Maris. He lifted his paw once again and pressed it against Maris' cheek. Maris smirked and swatted It away. She rubbed the paw mark with her sleeve but it only made the ink spread and smudge. Maris put her own hand in the palate and put her print beside his.
"So... when do you usually turn back?"Maris asked. Vilkas shrugged and put his headIntoMaris' lap. She smiled and stroked his fur.
"You really are cute like this." She cooed. "like a pup."

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