Chapter Thirty One

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"Vilkas... Please don't leave..." Came a voice from behind him. He stopped dead in his tracks. His blood ran cold but his skin burnt as the voice filled him, sending his heart into his mouth. He had dreamt of that voice so many times in her absence. It made him almost too afraid to turn around in case he found that this too was a cruel dream. Slowly and hesitantly, he turned around. Waves of relief, excitement and happiness rushed over him at once. There she stood. Maris.

Her snow like hair was loose though her fringe had been pinned back and platted. She wore dragon scale armor though it had been made less cumbersome to match her fighting style. Clipped to the shoulder plates was a black hooded cloak that seemed to trail off and merge with the darkness. The stars reflected off of her large blue eyes, making them imitate their twinkle. Vilkas couldn't find the words to speak. He couldn't even draw a breath without it catching in his throat. Maris rushed up to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
"I'm so sorry... I wasn't suppose to reveal myself to anyone yet but when i saw you leaving i panicked!" She whimpered. Vilkas put his forehead against her shoulder and closed his eyes tightly. He pulled her closer.
"Maris..." He gasped. They stood there for a moment just dwelling in one another's embrace. He took in her sent. The same sweet sent that always hung around her with just a hint of blood beneath it. Vilkas pulled away and traced his knuckles down her soft, pale cheeks. 
"You're actually here..." He mumbled. 
"And i wont be going anywhere, not for a very, very long time." She smiled. She pulled Vilkas into a kiss and his hands dropped to her waist. She was always so slight but even more so now. Maris put her ice cold hands to his cheeks and he could feel the scalding tears welling in his eyes.
"I love you so much..." She muttered against his lips. He deepened it. Not wanting to let her go and not wanting to open his eyes. His ears burnt and his heart pounded against his chest. He pulled away slowly, letting the feeling linger on his lips for a moment.
"I love you too..." He said. "I'm so glad that you're back... I never want to be without you ever again..."
"And you won't if i have anything to do about it." She smiled warmly. "I want to always be with you."
Vilkas felt the tears spill over his cheeks and he buried his head back into Maris' shoulder. 
"Kodlak is so proud of you..." Maris whispered. "We saw him in sovrngaurd... It worked... he's actually there..." 
"He... He's what?" Vilkas spluttered. "Sovrngaurd? What do you mean?" 
"It's a long story..." Maris sighed. "i need to get back inside, he's introducing us soon." 
"Alright." Vilkas smiled. Mairs lent up and placed a long, lingering kiss on his lips. She disappeared silently inside to take her place.

After a few moments of standing dumbfounded, he decided to follow. When he entered the Jarl was halfway through his speech.
"But against all odds, showing incredible courage and valor and unfathomable strength, i present to you, our guests of honour the dragonborn and the shadow of Tamriel!" He exclaimed. Two double doors beside the thrown where opened by two guards. Out stepped the two sisters, Alaris in full blades armor and helmet and Maris, her hood up at her side. She raised her head slightly and her eyes caught Vilkas'. She smirked and looked up, away from his gaze. A roar went up from the crowd and Alaris and Maris raised their arms on triumph. Suddenly, Alaris' hands began to glow. It quickly spread across her and over Maris. In an instant, there clothing had changed. Alaris' blade armor had changed into a beautiful blue and white evening gown that hugged her curves. Maris looked down at herself. She was wearing black and red noble robes and he hair had been plated to the side.
"I never agreed to this!" She hissed through gritted teeth.
"At least i didn't put you in a dress like stepmother was always trying to do." Alaris smiled.
The crowd surrounded them, all wanting to talk or to mealy capture a glance at the Heroes. Vilkas hung back. He could wait for them to enviably loose interest. Better for him. He was still trying to summon up the courage to ask Maris a question he was dying to know the answer too.

It was about 15 minutes until the room had settled the point where he could approach Maris. Alaris was still being swarmed but Maris had managed to slip out with minimal attention being payed to her. She was just shaking off a few more people when Vilkas got near to her. 
"Excuse me?" He said with a smirk. Maris turned to see him, hand outstretched arm behind his back and leaning forward slightly. "May I have this dance?"
"Why certainly." Maris grinned, gently taking his hand.
"You look beautiful." He smiled. Maris let out a short giggle.
"You don't look too bad either." She said as she was lead to the centre of the dance floor.
"For a mutt." She added slyly. Vilkas chuckled and interlaced his fingers in hers, putting his other arm around her waist.  It was unbelievable how much lighter his heart felt with her back again. The bard's played softly and Maris was constantly watching her feet, not being much of a dancer. It was cute in a way. They had been dancing for a few minutes when Vilkas took a deep breath.
"Maris..." He muttered. Maris' deep blue eyes shot to him and she raised an eyebrow.
"I promised myself that if you came back, I would ask you something... It may seem a little quick but I've know since i first met you that I would never  be in love with anyone but you..." He said, he took a long pause with the two simply looking into one anther's eyes.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
"Wha-what..." Maris spluttered.
"I would gladly stand at your side until the devines take us... If you'll have me." He smiled weekly. Maris blinked in disbelief. Suddenly a smile cracked the shocked mask that was her face
"You really are an idiot if you think that I would ever say no." She muttered, tears welling in her eyes. "Of course I'll marry you."
There came another cheer from the crowd as the pair shared a kiss. They hadn't even noticed that people had begun to watch them, even as they were merely dancing.
"I love you..." Vilkas whispered.
" I love you too..." Maris smiled.

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