Chapter Ten

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Maris staggered back into the camp, her nightingale armour covered in mud and her white hair messy and filthy. She pulled her hood down further as the sun began to poke through the trees behind the lake. Vilkas, who was feeding the horses, scowled at her.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

Maris smirked. "Went for a run, found a giant, thrown into a lake, found an underwater cave, met a magic fish, granted 3 wishes, killed a giant and here I am." She said.

Vilkas scowled at her. "Some how I don't believe that." He snarled.

"Yea, you're right, I just fell over." Maris shrugged.

"Idiot."  Vilkas sighed.

"Mutt." Maris hissed.

"Since when do you fall over?" Vilkas asked. "I thought you were suppose to be perfect."

"well... There might have been a bear?" Maris grinned.

"What bear?" Vilkas growled.

"Funny you should ask that..." Maris said, putting her fingers to her lips and whistling loudly.

"Don't tell me..." Vilkas groaned. Suddenly a huge jet black bear came bounding from the woods, splashing through the river and grinding to a halt by Maris feet. She smiled and stroked its head. The bear closed it's eyes in bliss and let out a low growl of pleasure. It was about as tall as Maris, even when it wasn't on his hind legs.

"What is with you and animals!" Vilkas growled, stumbling back in surprise.

"I got lonely without Barbas, besides, he's much better company then you" She smirked.

"No. you are not bringing that thing with us!" Vilkas yelled. The bear looked up at Maris and pouted, it's green eyes sparkling.

"He isn't a 'thing'!" Maris snapped. "His name's Broul!" 

"No!" Vilkas spat.

"You don't have a choice." Maris huffed. 

"And we don't have time for this." Vilkas growled.

"Then it's settled, Broul is coming with us." Maris chirped.

Maris went off to pack her bags and Vilkas was left alone with Broul. Vilkas raised an eyebrow at the bear who simply sat and watched him as he was packing. Vilkas turned away to adjust the straps on his horses saddles. It seemed that Maris  acquiring had an odd habit of acquiring unlikely animal companions. He remembered, just a few days after joining the companions, she came back from a mission with a sabre cat in tail. Then there was the baby frost troll... suddenly, he felt something nudge him harshly under his arm. He lifted his arm and looked down to see Broul's giant head. Vilkas sighed and stepped to the side. For some reason, the horses seemed unfazed by the giant bear beside them. The bear tipped it's head to one side and continued to watch as Vilkas prepared the horses. Vilkas looked down to the bear, who looked away, as if trying to pretend he wasn't watching him at all. Vilkas groaned and went to lake to bring water to pour over the fire's embers, the bear followed.

"Maris!" Would you please get this bear to leave me alone?" Vilkas called. Maris looked over her shoulder.

"His name is Broul! He's a wild animal, i don't command him." Maris snapped. "And besides, it looks like he likes you, i can't imagine that you get that allot." 

Vilkas growled at Broul but the bear simply placed it's giant paw over his face. Maris chucked and stood up. 

"Alright you two, we should probably set off." she smiled. 

The two set off, Broul plodding contently behind them along the cobble stone roads. As they rounded a corner, a courier met them.

"Lady Maris, I have a letter for you!" The courier called. Maris raised an eyebrow and slid down off her horse. The man handed her a red bordered envelope with the Dawnstar shield in wax on the seal. Maris scowled down at it. 

"Is there anything else?" She asked. 

"No, that's it." The courier shrugged. He bowed. "Enjoy the rest of your journey, my thane." 

Maris waited until the courier disappeared round the corner they had just come round. She looked down at the letter. 

"Thane!" Vilkas spluttered.

"Like I said, there are allot of things that you don't know about me..." Maris mumbled, drawing her dagger and breaking the wax. The letter fell open. Maris skimmed it, her brow furrowed. Her lip curled slightly. She shoved it into her satchel and got back upon her horse.

"What is it?" Vilkas asked.

"It seems we may have to stay in Dawnstar a day more then i had wanted." Maris muttered. She flicked the reins and Shadowmere began walking. 

"What?! I never wanted to go there in the first place!" Vilkas snarled.

"Well I don't have a choice!" Maris snapped, her face softened to a dismal expression. She sighed. "Vilkas i have a favour to ask of you..." 

"What, You're pulling us three days off course and you really expect me to help you?" Vilkas growled.

"Trust me if there was anyone else i could ask, i would but i don't have that option!" Maris pleaded. 

"No." Vilkas said bluntly.

"I'm helping you with the Wolf, you can at least do me this kindness!" Maris exclaimed. 

Vilkas furrowed his brow. "What... Would i have to do?" He asked begrudgingly. 

"Nothing too taxing." Maris said. "Just attend a party with me.... and... Pretend to be my husband..." 

"What!" Vilkas spluttered. "No! i will not!"

"i'm not actually asking you to marry me! I just really need this! It's only for a single night, Vilkas, please!" She pleaded, putting her hands together. She seemed to have slightly lost her composure.

"Fine!" Vilkas hissed.

"Thank you! I greatly appreciate this!" She smiled warmly, her fangs gleaming. It was strange see her smile like that... For some reason it made his heart speed up and he felt the tips of his ears burn. Suddenly, he realized just what he was thinking and shook himself out of it. There was no way. He swallowed hard and looked away.

"Well, you owe me..." he muttered, furrowing his brow. Maris looked back to the road and Vilkas looked at her from the corner of his eye. A lock of pure white hair fell from her hood as she turned her head and swayed gently in the morning air. He would never admit it, not even to himself but she truly was beautiful.

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