The first meeting

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Vilkas and Farkas had always been at Jorvaskr. It's where their father Jergan had raised them. But he left... And he didn't come back... It had been quite a few years since that day when Vilkas had first met Maris. He was around 10 at the time and Maris must have been 6 or 7. It was always hard to tell just how old Maris was because she was a vampire. 

Vilkas was playing chase with his brother and some of the other children in Whiterun on one of those rare bright summer days in skyrim. Those memories seemed so tantalizingly close. Vilkas had narrowly avoided being tagged by one of the other children and had found himself alone for the moment. He had snuck round Jorvasr and lent against the wall to catch his breath.
"Good whelp but try to raise your elbow a little more." Came the voice of Skjor from the training yard.
"Like this?" Came a soft, youth full voice in reply. 
"Aye." Skjor said. Vilkas peered round the corner and looked into the yard. Skjor standing over a young child. She had a bow and had drawn an arrow back. She looked so perfect... The light seemed to shine on only her, making her white hair shimmer.
 Vilkas though he knew every kid in the village so who was she? Certainly not an inhabitant of Whiterun. He found himself staying to watch her instead of continuing with the game.
"Alright, now, take aim." Skjor said. 
With that the young girl let the arrow sail and with a thunk, embedded itself into the target. She looked at it's placement in the hay bundle and groaned.
"What's the matter?" Skjor asked. "You hit the target!" 
"But i didn't get the middle!" She exclaimed. 
"There there child," Skjor smiled, stroking her hair. "It just takes some practice but i'd say you're pretty good for a beginner."
"Really?" She said, her blue eyes shimmering. 
"Really." Skjor chuckled. "I have to get back to business but i want you to keep practicing, alright?" 
"I will! Thank you so very much Skjor! I really appreciate it!" She smiled warmly.
"Any time young'n." Skjor smiled in return. With that he disappeared back into Jorvaskr. Suddenly The young girl raised her head into the air. She furrowed her brow as if she were listening. Suddenly, her attention snapped to where Vilkas was stood. She tipped her head to one side in question. Vilkas ducked out of view... She would have realized that he was watching her... He pressed his back against the wall. She would probably think he was weird... And here he was hoping to say hello. He couln't do that now... though he didn't have to.

"Um... Hello?" Came the same soft voice from his side.
Vilkas let out a short gasp. The girl had seemed to move so quickly and so silently, it was like she was a ghost.
"ah... I... Um... Hi... Um..." Vilkas spluttered. The young girl smiled warmly and put out her hand. 
"My name is Maris though people tend to just call me Scrappy." She grinned.
"Oh...  and why is that..." Vilkas muttered.
"I... tend to fall over allot." She giggled. Vilkas couldn't help but laugh too. He shook her hand and looked down into her deep blue eyes.
"Vilkas... My name is... um... Vilkas..." He smirked.
"You're one of the companions aren't you!" Maris exclaimed.
"Oh... No... I mean... Not yet..." Vilkas mumbled.
"Well it's really nice to meet you any way." Maris chirped. "I should get back to practice, but i'll see you around."
Vilkas didn't want her to leave yet... "Wait!" He exclaimed. "we're... We're plating tag... if you want to join in..."
Maris looked to the training yard, then back to Vilkas. "I suppose a short game couldn't hurt." She smiled. 

It wan't a particularly short game, in fact, even when the others had gone in for the night, Maris and Vilkas where still playing. After that day they had become fast friends and Vilkas had learned that she lived in the farms outside of Whiterun but she had never gone into any specific detail of which farm or any family she may have had. She had started coming up to the city when she had the time to learn archery from Skjor. Even though he had got quite a stern talking too from Kodlak when he had come back to Jorvaskr so late that night but it was worth it. 

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