Chapter Fifteen

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Vilkas and Maris had decided to leave their horses back in Dawn star and follow the shore down to Winterhold. The conditions would be too icy for their mounts and it would just be faster on foot. Broul plodded happily behind them as they made their way to the shore.
"So, you never did tell me how this whole war paint thing applied to me." Maris said. Vilkas glanced at her, her large blue eyes seeming to look strait through him. He looked away but felt her gaze still burning into him. How could he have even considered telling Maris the truth. What would be the point. His Maris was gone and this person she was now... was someone he didn't want to know.
"Nothing." He said bluntly.
"I specifically remember you saying it applied to me. You were about to tell me so why won't you now?" Maris asked, hissing slightly.
"It doesn't matter!" Vilkas growled.
"Then you wouldn't care if I knew! So tell me!" Maris insisted. Why was it that her silver tounge never worked on that stupid mutt? He was just too stubborn was the theory Maris had settled on.
"I said no!" Vilkas said sternly.
"I'll find out one way or another and when I do... AHH! " Suddenly Maris interrupted herself with a scream as the snow beneath her feet gave way into ice. She slipped and fell backwards into the snow. Vilkas turned on his heels, wide eyed.
"Maris?" He said, the concern in his voice a surprise to himself. Maris sat up and rubbed her head, the snow falling off her shoulders but clinging to her hair that seemed to blend in with the pure whiteness of the ground.
"I slipped..." She groaned. "I'm fine..."
Vilkas scowled at her. "How could you have possibly slipped? Arn't you suppose to be a master of stealth?" He asked.
"I've never walked on ice before!" She hissed.  "We don't have it in Valenwood!"
Vilkas chuckled.
"This isn't funny mutt!" She sneered. Vilkas knelt down and offered her his hand. Maris' lip curled in disgust and she swatted it away. She stumbled messily to her feet and tried to take a step. No sooner had she taken a step then she had slid again, this time clinging tightly onto Vilkas ' arm for support.
"How in Nocturnal's name do you walk on this!"She hissed.
"I've never seen you so helpless bloodsucker." Vilkas smirked.
"I'll show you how helpless I am when my sword is in your throat!" She snarled. "...stupid mutt."
Vilkas took both of her hands. "You have to put all your weight into the step." He said.
"That's easy for a heavy footed oaf like you!" Maris sneered. She took a step forward. She was so used to being light on her feet and using only part of her foot when she stepped. She walked uneasily forward, holding tightly on Vilkas' hands. She concentrated fully on her feet, constantly looking down. She didn't even realise how close they had gotten.
"See, it isn't that hard, is it?" Vilkas smiled.
Maris' head shot up and she glared at Vilkas. "Don't patronise me you pompous wolf!" She hissed.  They both paused for a moment when they realised that they were far closer then they had ever been before. If Vilkas was correct, it seemed like Maris' pale cheeks had darkened, though only slightly. She stood away uneasily.
" I think I can walk on my own." She said bluntly.
"Are you sure?" Vilkas asked.
"Positive." Maris muttered. They continued across the ice, Maris becoming slowly more steady on her feet as they went, though she sometimes had to use Broul for support.  

"I think I'm getting the hang of this." Maris muttered, seeming to walk quite stably across the ice.
"That you are." Vilkas smiled. Maris was beginning to wander quite a bit, trying to get her self used to the ice. They had soon gotten near to where the ice met the sea.
"Just be careful of thin..." Vilkas began but was interrupted by a thunderous cracking sound and a scream that dulled down into a gargle. He turned to see that Maris had disapeared and Broul was clawing at a hole in the ice.
"Maris?! MARIS!?" Vilkas called out. He looked down through the ice but could see nothing. It was like she had compleatly disapeared. Vilkas felt his heart race and his eyes begin to burn. His wolf clawed at his insides, screaming to be let free. She must have been unter for at least 30 seconds but it felt to Vilkas like years. Suddenly there came a splashing from the edge of the ice. Maris emerged from the water, breathing heavily, her white hair clinging to her and her nose and cheeks red from the cold. She pulled herself up on to the ice and fell to her hands and knees, trying to steady her breath. 
"Be careful of thin ice..." She panted. "Note taken."
Vilkas rushed to her and knelt beside her. He pulled her into a tight embrace.
"You are such an idiot!" He exclaimed. "Never and i mean NEVER do anything like that again!"
Maris blinked in disbelief for a moment. It always came as a shock to her when Vilkas reacted this way. He held her so tightly but there was softness to it, like when he was in wolf form.
"Vilkas..." She muttered softly. "I... I'm fine..."
Vilkas just tightened his hold and buried his head into her shoulder. He was always so warm and it made Maris' skin tingle. Maris ran a hand through his hair reassuringly. Vilkas pulled away and looked down at her. His eyes where the bright yellow of the wolf, though they were sad. Maris put her hand to the side of his face and he closed his eyes tightly, turning his face away but letting her keep her hand there.
"I'm sorry..." He muttered.
He opened his eyes and looked towards Maris. They were pale grey once again but the sadness was still clear.
"You really are like a puppy." She mumbled. 

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