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11 years had past since that day. Yhe wedding had been held at the temple of Mara and the turn out had been much bigger then they had expected.

Maris rolled over and placed her head on Vilkas' chest, not wanting to wake up properly. She sighed and opened her eyes, realizing that she would have to sooner or later.
"Good morning my love." Vilkas muttered dreamily. Maris lent over him and placed a kiss gently on his forehead.
"Good morning." She smiled. Vilkas opened his eyes and ran a hand down Maris cheek. It was amazing that he could manage to love her even more with every day that passed.
"Are you going into Dawnstar today?" He asked.
"Not today." She smiled. "And what are your plans?"
"I was thinking about Jorvaskr but i think i might just stay after all." He smirked.
"Fraja will be disappointed." Maris smiled. As if on que,  the door swung open.
"Come on kid! I'm not a rag doll! " Barbas whimpered as he ran into the bedroom. He jumped up and cowered between Vilkas and Maris. Seconds later A young boy followed by another young boy and an older girl appeared at the door.
"Bren, what have I told you about playing too ruffly!" Maris scolded.
"I'm sorry mommy..." The older of the two boys sighed.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Fraja exclaimed, jumping up and scrambling over the bed. "Are we going to whiterun today? Uncle Farkas promised me he'd show me how to forge arrow heads next time i went!"
Vilkas chuckled.
"Not today but ill tell you what, we can go out into the forest and hunt." He smiled, tussling the girls short black hair.
"Good! I've been practicing with my sword!" She chirped.
"Ha, sword!" Bren scoffed.  "I could hit a rabbit between the eyes with my bow."
It was clear which child had taken after which parent.
"And Aren?  What do you want to do?" Maris asked.
"I think I'll just read..." He muttered quietly.
Maris pulled him up onto her lap and held him tightly.
"You want me to read you anything?" She asked.
"Um... yeas please." He said. "I found a book down in the library 'a dream of soverngaurd' Broul knocked it off the shelf. Could you read me that?"
Vilkas and Maris shot each other knowing glances.
" Of course I will..."

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