Chapter Twenty Four

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Vilkas didn't feel like anything. He was completely drained of motivation and he didn't have any jobs to occupy his time.  It had been slow since they got back. He went up to the mead hall to ask Aela or Farkas if there was anything to do. When he opened the door be heard an unfamiliar voice followed by one that he was sure he had heard somewhere then came Maris' voice.
"Well, it's good that your back on your feet at least." She said.
"Mercer won't be a problem again after this at least. Nejir here took care of that." Came the familiar voice. Vilkas had heard the name Mercer before. It was one of the people Maris had mentioned that had left her.
"I suppose... I just can't believe I ever looked up to that worm. He was unfit to be a nightingale... We had better get this thing back then..." Maris sighed. Vilkas walked to the top of the stairs and looked over to where Maris was stood with two people. One of them he had seen before. It was the man from Fort Dunstad. Though now he was wearing dark leather armor with numerous pouches and belts. He raised his eyebrow towards Vilkas.
"Ah, if it isn't your little wolf." He smirked.
"Shut your trap Bryn." Maris snapped. The other member of their group, a young imperial with blonde hair and similar armor to Brynjolf only lighter, furrowed his brow.
"Wolf?" He asked.
Brynjolf put his hand on his shoulder. "It's best if you don't know." He smirked.
"Morning... ah... Maris could I speak to you for a moment" Vilkas muttered.
"We were just going. " Maris hissed sharply. "Maybe later."
He could explain this better if he could tell her how he felt... but he just couldn't. 

It was as if Maris had just disappeared after that... 'maybe later' seemed more like 'if i ever come back'.  Six days and no sign of Maris. She hadn't told anyone where she had gone. She never did but she was never gone for this long either. No one could even think of where she had gone too. The only thing that Vilkas new was the last time that Brynjolf showed up, she came back covered in someone else's blood. Alaris didn't know where she was either and some of the companions were beginning to worry. Vilkas sat with his chin in his hands. He was sick to his stomach with worry.
"Still brooding?" Aela asked.
"I really am not in the mood for your snide comments." Vilkas muttered. 
"Maris can take care of herself." Aela said. "It's not like she's a child that needs supervision. "
" I know." Vilkas growled. Most of all, he just felt alone. He was always used to being alone but then he spent time with Maris and now he felt lost without her. Moat of all, he just wanted to see her...
"Well, I've got a job for you if you want to take your mind off of Maris."  Aela asked.
"What is is?" Vilkas asked.
"A merchant in Riften is having troubles with Bandits. Keep attacking his suppliers carts. He wants the camp wiped out. You want it?" Aela said.
"Fine... I'll go." Vilkas shrugged. "Something to do."
With any luck, Maris would be there when he got back.

The journey to Riften was quiet and extra my boring. It was never so placid when he was traveling with Maris. She always seemed to draw danger in like the center of a vortex.  It made things harder but allot more interesting... she had been gone for 6 days and he was already acting like a love sock puppy. He shook his head and sighed as he pulled at the reins of his horse. He slowed down at the stables of Riften. As he approached he saw a familiar sight.

In the stables standing tall was a jet black horse, it's red eyes glowing from the gloom of the stables. It's snout seemed and it scratched it hoof as it recognized Vilkas. Only one person in the whole of Skyrim had a mount like that... Even if he had wanted to get away from her, something like this still would have happened. If Maris was here then he wanted to see her but the same couldn't be said for her. She was probably going about her own business and the last thing she would want would be that stupid mutt to disturb her... she didn't exactly want to be around him right now. Vilkas hopped off his horse and instantly went to re uni get with its old companion. Vilkas smiled at the though. If Maris was really in Riften the she was most likely up to no good.

The sun was setting as he entered the town. On the surface it was quite a beautiful city that looked over the lake. Though Vilkas, as most people, knew what lay beneath it. The lake that ran through was like a wound and the blood that spilled out were the Theives guild. It tainted the entire city and it was a place Vilkas did not like to be. He went across the bridge and towards the inn. He desperately just wanted to sleep. In the morning he would deal with the bandits, claim his bounty and be on his way. It annoyed him though how close he was to Maris. They were in the same city for Hircine's sake. Still, they could be in the same room and he couldn't see her unless she wanted him too.

What had Maris been doing all this time? If she was going to just simply leave the companions she would have at least named a predecessor... right? He just wanted to see her. Part of his mind wondered if she was wondering the same, though he quashed those thoughts as soon soon as they began. He knew that she wasn't. She probably didn't want to see him at all.

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