'I guess I just kept it that way.'

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Maris hopped over a fallen tree and went to run but Vilkas wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back.
"No!" Maris squealed. "No I'll spill it!"
Skjor had been teaching Maris to make war paint and she had made her first batch to experiment with. Vilkas and Maris both let out a short burst of laughter.
"Let me put my paint on you!" Maris exclaimed.
"Knowing you it'll probably kill me." Vilkas smirked.
"Please!" Maris pleaded. Vilkas looked down into her shining blue eyes.
"Fine..." He groaned "But i get to put it on you first."
"Deal!" Maris smiled warmly.

They took a place on the fallen tree with the bowl of paint between then. The sun shonethrough the canopy and sent stray beams of light every which way. They had placed themselves as close to one as possible so they could see more clearly what they were doing. Maris had plated her hair back. Vilkas had to wonder how long it must have taken. Even then her brilliantly white hair was quite long and reached half way down her back. Vilkas gazed at her for a moment. She was so pure and delicate looking that it seemed a shame to blemish her pale skin with paint. He dipped his fingers into the paint and inspected it. It was a deep blue, the same blue as Maris' eyes. It was a beautiful colour. Maris closed her eyes and lent forward.
"How did you make it so blue?" He asked, placing one hand under her chin and began to dab the paint with the other. He put a streak over one eye and carried it on with a few intricate curls.
"You used allot of different flowers." She said, trying not to move her face too much. "Honestly, I was trying to make purple."
"Well, I still like it." Vilkas smiled. He curled the paint round her features. Her skin was smooth and soft and showed the paint well. It was like writing on paper. Her ghostly complexion made the paint seem a much darker blue. He added a few finishing touches and sat back, wiping his hands on the tree decide him.
"There." He smiled. Maris opened her eyes and smiled in return. He had made her warpaint similar to what Kodlak wore. He wanted something smooth and intimate to match her. Maris looked at Vilkas and tipped her head to one side, trying to decide what she wanted. Maris had never been the most detailed of people when it came to drawing or writing and her penmanship was no where near the level of Vilkas'. Suddenly, her blue eyes flashed as an idea crossed her mind.
"Close your eyes." She grinned. Vilkas did as he was told. Maris scooped up some of the war paint and Vilkas felt her smear it over his eyes. It was cold but refreshing in a way.
"What are you doing?" Vilkas asked.
"Wait..." Maris murmured as she spread the paint out in all directions.
"...alright... you can open your eyes." She chirped. Vilkas hesitantlyopened his eyes, expecting the paint to plainInto them but Maris had dabbed the excess away.
"So?" Vilkas asked.
"It's the marks you have when your a wolf." She smiled warmly. "Or should I say pup rather."
"It really does suit you." Maris said.
" Is that so?" Vilkas laughed.
"Very handsome."She cooed.
" You arn't too bad yourself." Vilkas smiled, dabbing hernose with paint.  She giggled and wiped it away.

They had stayedin the forest for quite a while after that, climbing and playing games.  Maris had always been good at climbing the trees. It took her almost no rime at all to scramble up to the top branches. Sometimes she would even fall asleep up there and it wanst unusual for her to roll over and fall.

Vilkas had never really thought about warpaint before then but after that day he began to wear it allot more often. It wasn't long before often became always. Even his brother had began to imitate it. He liked it. And it made it even more meaningfulthat Maris had been the one to start it. Seeing him without it after that was quite rare and it was all because of Maris.

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