Chapter Twelve

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The dark brotherhood sanctuary was quiet, as it should be.... but it wasn't from quiet feet, more like a lack of feet. The members of the black hand had been dwindling to begin with but this business with the Emperor and Commander Maro had left them with only 4 members. Maris, Babette, Cicero and Nazir. Maris was able to at least double their numbers since then but it still wasn't enough. She hoped that the news of the assassination of the Emperor had spread far enough to gain them reputation and potentially new members. The news of the dark brotherhood's return had been all but rumour. They needed something to prove it. But what? Maris sat at her desk, Broul asleep at her feet. She shuffled through papers and log books. When she was first given this position, she didn't realize just how much work it entailed. She could just offload some of it onto Nazir but he already had so much. It had just been piling up while she was away. Before she realized it, the night had passed her by and with her lack of feeding, the exhaustion was beginning to get to her. Maris dropped her quill and let out a long exhausted groan. She wondered what Vilkas must be doing, providing it was the time that she thought it was. Suddenly she shuddered. The exhaustion must be affecting her more then she thought. Why else would she think of Vilkas? As she went to go back to her work, a soft knock came from the door.

"Enter if you wish but know that you're disturbing me." Maris called sourly.

The door opened slowly and Cicero entered, holding two parcels, Wrapped in brown paper and tied with string.

"Cicero picked up the packages that you requested of him, Listener." Cicero said timidly, cautious of Maris' foul mood.

"What? Already?" Maris asked.

"Already? Mistress, it's far past midday." Cicero said. Had she really been working for so long? She groaned and stood to her feet. At least this was a good enough excuse for her to stretch her legs, even if it meant that she had to speak to Vilkas. Maris smiled at Cicero and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you, Keeper." She said sweetly, taking the packages.

Vilkas brushed his hair from his face. The night before had not been a fun night. He looked out of the window of his room at the inn. A bar maid had been giving the eye all night and he had to say something idiotic and ruin it. It must have been from spending too much time around Maris. He couldn't think of any other reason he would say such a thing. Suddenly, the door of his room swung open.

"What in Hircine's name are you doing! You could at least knock!" Vilkas hissed as Maris came strolling into the room.

"Did you really expect me to?" Maris asked.

"Blood sucker." Vilkas sneered.

"Give it a rest." Maris hissed, throwing one of the parcels at him.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Your clothing for tonight. If you are going to act as my husband then you can at least look the part." She sighed.

"Why do I have to do this anyway? Why would you need a false husband?" Vilkas asked.

"It's complicated and I don't think you have the capacity for it." Maris sneered.

"You underestimate me," Vilkas growled. "I'm not as stupid as most of the rabble you associate yourself with."

"i sincerely doubt that..." Maris scoffed.

"i hope this isn't one of your sinister ploys Maris, you aren't planning on killing anyone tonight?" Vilkas asked.

"And what if I am?" Maris hissed coldly. Why must she always be so secretive and vile. She made his skin crawl at times.

"And are you?" Vilkas growled.

"Just get dressed, I wish to inspect you before we depart, meet me at the white hall in 2 hours, I'll be waiting." Maris said bluntly. She turned on her heels to leave.

"you still didn't answer my que..." Before he could finish the door had already been closed behind her. Arrogant blood sucker... Vilkas sighed and went back over to the bed where he had placed the package.

He pulled the robes from the brown paper and held them up. They where a deep blood red with a golden trim. They were clearly custom made and expertly so. He raised an eyebrow. It seemed that Maris was so many different people. And he had gotten himself mixed up with one of them. Was there even a real Maris beneath all of those facades? Or was her entire personality just these different versions of her self? He wondered why exactly he would have to do this for Maris, why would she ever need a fake husband? Vilkas sighed and began to change into the clothing. The Maris he used to know was none of the people she pretended to be.That person was probably just gone now.

Vilkas was never one for parties, let alone ones with a bloodsucker like Maris. This was going to be a long night. Everything seemed longer and more tedious with her around but he would have to endure, at least until they reached ysgramor's tomb. Once he had rid of the beast blood, things could just go back to the way they were before... though it seemed Maris was a far bigger part of that then he had wanted too. Aela's words echoed in his head. 'For someone who hates Maris, you spend an awful lot of time together.'... They didn't, did they?

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