Chapter 32

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Despite Christmas being just a few days back, that cheerful spirit was no longer to be found. Actually it was quite impossible to keep that high cheerful spirit when you're here.

The place was quiet, cold and quiet. Y/N was never afraid of death or for instance the dead, she never feared dying but she always feared of letting go. Having to see other people get hurt and possibly lose their life, knowing that she could've been there to help, it was always hard for her to move on.

And despite never really meeting her father, she still felt some sort of connection, some sort of ache, perhaps it was that despite all the bad doings he did, he still saved her life. As much as Y/N hates it, she wouldn't be here today if it weren't for him.

So here she is, fulfilling his last request. "Hello...Morfin." Y/N mumbled as she placed a white hyacinth on the grave, she didn't feel right to call him her father, yes in biological terms he was her father, but she was never there for her to even remember him being her father.

Sighing deeply, she scanned over the engraved letters that spelt out 'Morfin Gaunt'. She shuffled in her pocket and took out the worn out envelope that contained Morfin's last letter and placed it alongside the white flower.

"I don't go by Tia anymore, I'm Y/N Y/L/N now. Thought that someone should tell you eventually." she continued as she glanced over the worn out envelope, the words written within started to flood her mind. "And I have a girlfriend now, I doubt you'd like her though, since you're so fond of Pure Bloods. But if you care, I'm very happy with her, something hopefully you'd find in your afterlife."

She glanced over to Hermione who stood beside her, her face slightly paler than usual, mostly due to the weather, but she still managed to shoot the Ravenclaw a comforting smile, which never fails to make Y/N smile back.

With a final glance to Morfin's grave and a deep sigh, she stood back up to her two feet and dusted off the snow that had settled on her knee.

"He'd appreciate you visiting his grave." Hermione assured as they began to walk away from Morfin's tombstone, "though, I doubt he'd appreciate you bringing me."

"I don't need his appreciation." the Ravenclaw countered back firmly, "I don't and will never follow by the 'Pure Blood rules'. You're my girlfriend whether he likes it or not, it's either me and you visiting him or no visits at all. Besides, he's not here anymore, that's the reality."

A hum emitted from Hermione, though it was far from a satisfied hum instead a hum that gave of a skeptical and challenging tone which made the Ravenclaw glare at her with her eyebrows furrowed deeply together. "What?"

Hermione turned towards the Ravenclaw with a look of surprise, as if she had something to say yet hesitant to. "Nothing..." she drawled out with a shrug, trying to come off nonchalant but the Ravenclaw could see right past her as she only shot Hermione with a bored expression. "Mione..."

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