Chapter 13

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Dark, icy, cold. That was all the Ravenclaw felt, the dark green walls, his devilish smile, his icy cold eyes, the same ones that stared at Cedric to death, the same one that caused her so much pain.

But there was a door, it looked like it was made out of iron, heavy metal like a vault, but his laugh. That sound of evil laughter, she loathed it, but she couldn't get rid of it, it was in her, 'get out-- get out-- get out'

Trapped. Trapped inside of her. No way out. No escape. Lost. Lost inside of her. Stuck. Stuck inside of her. All she wanted was for him to get out of her thoughts, she can't stand the sight. The sight of her cold blooded cousin.

"Y/N— Love?"

Instantly, Y/N's eyes snapped open, her body jumping up into a sitting position, her breath was heavy, her chest heaving up and down continuously, a layer of sweat already covering her body as more dripped down from her forehead.

"Love, you're drenched...." Hermione whispered softly as she began to rub the Ravenclaw on the back, helping her breathing slowly return back to normal. "A nightmare?"

With a deep breath, the Ravenclaw responded with a slow nod, shutting her eyes closed as she focused on her girlfriend's touch, slowly calming herself down. Wiping the sweat on her face with the sleeve of her hoodie before slumping down onto the headboard behind her.

"Maybe we should get you to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione suggested quietly, not wanting to wake Lizzy or Padma up from the noise, "I could ask her to get more of those dreamless potions you had back in fourth year."

"No, it's okay." Y/N sighed while shaking her head, letting out a low groan before she motioned to the edge of the bed, "It's just another nightmare, I'll manage."


"I'm fine, really." Y/N assured as she got to her two feet, watching her girlfriend give her a stern and pointed look as she let out a soft scoff, "I'll take a quick shower, get cleaned up a bit."

Before Hermione could object she had already shuffled to the bathroom, burying her face in cold water, rubbing her face multiple times before groaning lowly.

Suddenly, she felt the same weird twitch on her neck again, attempting to relief it she stretched her neck side to side and a small circle, she didn't know where this twitch was coming from but it gave her a weird sensation.

Though, again, it didn't really bother her, she thought it might be just from some lack of sleep. So, thinking nothing of it, she took a warm soothing shower before heading back to bed, letting her mind drift off once more.


It seemed that all the students made it into the D.A.D.A class early as it was filled with the cheerful 'back to Hogwarts' type vibe. The Ravenclaw felt quite lucky this year as she,Lizzy,Caleb and Aidan were having the same D.A.D.A classes with the golden trio, meaning their entire friend group would be complete.

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